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Eva knew Adam had been receiving threatening letters but found it strange that he hadn't been confiding in her or even mentioned them. Obviously Eva respected his personal space but none of this felt like it should be dealt with alone.

How couldn't she say anything?

Adam would open them at meal times, the same sickening expression flickering to his face. The truth was that Adam hadn't been himself for a long time and Eva had noticed, maybe Jessie was clueless or maybe she was ignoring it.

Eva was sick of Slytherins being the antagonists.

Eva waited until nightfall, ensuring that everyone was asleep. The common room was silent bar the occasional crackle of the fire, the dungeons always seemed to be peaceful.

The thought of being surrounded by water terrified Eva. It seemed Eva travelled towards the boy's dormitories often and she really didn't know how to feel about it.

How does one approach a sensitive topic? Eva wasn't known to beat around the bush, she came across as extremely forward or blunt. Eva opted to not try and hurt his feelings though.

The familiar wooden door was facing her, taunting her, reminding Eva of her past reckless behaviour, where she had quite literally beat her best friend to a pulp.. though she had no plans to hit him that night.

"Aloha Mora.."


It was definitely the correct dorm, Adrian Pucey's stupid face was the first thing Eva saw. She giggled, the boy was drooling all over his pillow.. mumbling what sounded like 'mummy'.

She expected Adam to be asleep but clearly Eva was wrong. There he was fully clothed staring at the ceiling, adorning big, blue bags underneath his usual bright green eyes.

"Not tired?" Eva asked leaning against his bed frame. The look of Eva made him nervous, her perfect brunette curls, a loose leather jacket adorning her skinny frame.

"Clearly.." he replied bluntly turning over. Eva sighed running a hand through her hair, she was sick of his attitude.

"Come on, we're going on a walk"

"Don't think so" he responded brushing the girl off. "I'm tired..".

"Aren't we all, just get the fuck up!" Eva began to tug at the boy's shoulder.

"Fine, fine!" He shouted, pushing her away. "It's not like I've a choice anyway, do I?".

"Glad we're on the same page with this" Eva stated cockily. She waited momentarily whilst he put a pair of shoes on, clearly Eva was becoming impatient.

"So where is it you're taking me?" Adam asked the girl as they exited the dorm room. Eva smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"You'll find out.."

"You're being very annoying!" Adam squeaked as they side-stepped the corridors aiming to be as silent as could be. "For all we know Pettigrew could be roaming the castle".

"Pfft the rat doesn't scare me.." Eva wasn't sure of her statement, she had quite literally been assaulted by him but decided not to mention the fact she was quite frightened by him.

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