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Saturday's events were mostly forgotten by Eva . She resorted to hating the two older men once again, Eva thought that option was better than letting herself feel upset over the ordeal.

She felt strange about it all, she honestly had a good time with the two before they abruptly left, what had she done? She wasn't used to people being cold and blunt in return.

So she told no one, according to Eva she had gone for broom polish only. Eva pretended she didn't see the regretful looks Lupin had sent her here and there.

She focused her energy on the first game of the season and getting the quidditch team ready to destroy Gryffindor. Any alliance she had with Harry would be practically nonexistent now when quidditch came into play.

She was sat on the bed in her dormitory the following Wednesday attempting to devise a plan for the upcoming match. Eva had been working on it for hours, she hadn't even realised she missed dinner.

Jessie came into the dormitories holding a plate full of food. Herself and Adam had been at dinner, both knew not to disturb Eva whilst she was working on something as important as quidditch.

Mcgonnagall had told the Slytherin to bring food up to her friend, in many ways Mcgonnagall spotted resemblances between the current Slytherin captain and her estranged father. Both dedicating their lives to the sport.

Jessie looked at Eva worriedly,Eva looked rather stressed, hair tossed in a messy bun and eyeliner smudged under her eyes.

"Everything alright?" Jessie bellowed making hersef known to her bestfriend.

"No,no,no,no,No" Eva moaned but also caught sight of the food.

"Well what is it mister?" Jessie asked sitting down on Eva's bed, handing the girl the food.

"We have to beat Gryffindor, we need to be consistent this year if we want to win the cup"

"What about your new found friendship with Potter, you wouldn't want to upset him would you?" Jessie asked raising both brows in an attempt to piss of the girl. Eva looked outraged.

"Potter may be alright but i'll knock him on his ass if I have to, anything to win" Eva stuffed the chicken Jess had brought her in her mouth.

"Yes,yes I know" Jessie laughed.

"Why don't we do something fun?" Jessie asked cuddling up to the girl.


"Why don't we prank the Gryffindors, you're yet to this year and it is about time"

Eva smirked at her bestfriend, it was true she was yet to inflict misery on the lions and it would do her good to get out of her room.

"I'm in, what are we gonna do?" Eva asked.

"Oh I have a plan" Jessie laughed hysterically.

"I'll get my coat"

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