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Eva walked slowly back to the common room, she smiled a bit to herself reminiscing on her conversation with the slightly older Weasley twin. She seemed to have forgotten the ordeal that occurred earlier on in the morning.

It was getting late, the corridors were mainly empty heading towards the dungeons anyway. Eva couldn't help but shiver as she continued to walk. It felt like someone was watching her but she couldn't be sure.

Eva quickened her pace, while attempting to turn the corner. For once she felt unsafe, this presence felt evil and most definitely was out to get her. She began to get out of breath, Eva stopped for a moment.

She cringed, she heard faint whispering and a scratching at the walls. Eva was panicking now, it couldn't be a teacher. She began to hyperventilate, she felt someone come up behind her.

They grabbed her. Eva began to scream bloody murder. A hand was shoved over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Eva tried to stay calm but was doing an awful job.

"Pretty girl" the voice whispered in her ear. Eva's face wrinkled, as she cried.

"Just like your mother" the voice spoke again. Eva became confused, her mother? She tried to pull away but the person had a stronger grip.

"But she's dead isn't she?" Tears escaped Eva's eyes, as the man continued to whisper.

"The dark lord gave her what she deserved"

The dark lord? Eva thought it had been a car crash.

"Slytherins should be loyal to him, you will to if your smart.... beautiful girl" the man mumbled.

A spark of light shot at the man, he stumbled backwards letting Eva go. Eva who was now hysterical ran towards the light whipping out her own wand.


"Pettigrew" Harry roared aiming his wand at the currently stunned man. Peter attempted to attack Harry with the little energy he had left. Harry pushed the fat man off, not before Peter mumbled a sentence to the two.

"The Potters together again" he began to transform, his clothes diminished until a small rat was left. Harry began to chase him down the corridors but it was obvious he wouldn't be able to find him now.

The Potter's together again? What did that mean Eva was full blown crying at this stage and didn't know what to make of any of it.

"Eva" Harry said, she was unresponsive. He began to shake the girl.

"He's gone, I promise" he spoke soothingly.

"Harry if you hadn't of come... I" she sobbed vulnerably, Mcgonnagall came running down the corridor with Dumbledore at her side.

"Potter what is it?"

"Pettigrew, he's here in the castle" Harry spoke solemnly still gripping the girl who threatened to faint.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now