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"And I'd like to introduce a new member of our staff, Professor R.J Lupin who will be taking the position of Defence Against The Dark Arts"

Eva's eyes widened as she sat at the Slytherin table, she remembered him from the station, she recalled that he was James Potter's sort of lapdog. She nudged Jessie and Adam and whispered quietly.

"he's close with the Potter's"

"I know" Adam whispered back.

Eva glanced over at the Gryffindor table, Potter and his friends Granger and Weasley were chanting loudly for the new professor, Eva rolled her eyes and looked to the staff table, where surprisingly she found Lupin already staring back at her.

Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze she looked away and gave her attention back to Jessie who had been ranting about Oliver Wood.

"Why are you so bothered about Wood, we'll kick his ass in quidditch?" Eva questioned Jess.

Jessie's cheeks seemed to tinge red but quickly attempted to conceal them. "Not a Gryffinbore Jess, seriously?". Before Jessie could answer someone else had grabbed Eva's attention.

Draco Malfoy was a third year Slytherin, it was well known he was Harry Potter's enemy. Eva liked that so ultimately gave the boy a spot on the quidditch team, Draco always tried to get the older girl's attention, it wouldn't be a lie if someone said Draco had a little bit of a crush on her.

"Eva" Draco smiled sweetly, everyone else at the Slytherin table was baffled, Draco usually was never very tolerable but around Eva he was.

"Yes Draco?" She asked the younger boy.

"When will quidditch training be held?"

"Soon i'm thinking this Saturday morning?" Eva smiled at the boy, who looked extremely excited that he was about to wet himself.

"Brilliant can't wait to beat, Pottah"

"That's the spirit Draco" she muttered ruffling his hair from over the table.

"He has such a crush on you" Adam whispered.

"Leave him alone" Eva frowned, "it's cute".

Eva couldn't help but feel someone was watching her, turning her head around Lupin was once again watching her like a hawk. Awkwardly she stood up with Adam and Jessie following her along, Eva was most definitely the ring-leader of the group.

The trio exited the great hall and began to walk back to the dungeons, today had been a strange one for Eva and she'd rather sleep it off. Things were never that simple, as two redheaded twins headed towards group.

"For fucks sake" Eva growled.

The twins grinned upon sighting Eva.

"Hello Smithy, missed us dearly have you?" Fred mocked.

"But don't fret, some lovely things are coming your way" George finished.

"FUCK OFF" Eva roared sticking her fingers up, today was awful, that's fucking Gryffindor's for you she thought.

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