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Eva woke early thursday morning, it seemed she had dozed off in the library again for the fifth time that month. She had started to develop back aches from sleeping in strange positions on the wooden table.

It was still fairly dark outside so Eva suspected she had enough time to make it back to her dormitory to get ready for the classes ahead. Eva put the yearbook back into the place she had found it, it was incredibly frustrating.

She had searched for any scrap of information for hours and nothing useful had come about it, although Eva assured herself these things took time.

She tiptoed hastily back to the dungeons, hoping not to walk into any staff patrolling the corridors.

"toujours pure" she whispered allowing her to step inside the common room, Eva hated the awful pureblooded ideals of many of her peers.

Sure she could be overbearing and extremely arrogent at times but she didn't judge someone by their blood status, it would be hypocritical of her to, seeing as she had no knowledge of her own.

Draco sat quietly by himself on one of the armchairs in the corner. He looked extremely stressed staring at the parchment in his pale hands. The sound of the creaking door caused the younger boy to look up.

Eva smiled awkwardly at him reminiscing on her 'meltdown' at the quidditch pitch, she remembered how afraid he looked.

She decided to join him for a few minutes to see what had been troubling him so much.

"Everything alright?" Eva asked nicely, which was an odd occasion for her. Draco blushed slightly before making hesitant eye contact with the girl.

"Just having a bit of trouble with charms, that's all. It's fine though i'll figure it out" he looked really tired as if he had been up all night.

"Hey.. when's it due?"

"Tomorrow morning" Draco spoke solemnly.

"Brilliant i'll get Adam to have a look at it, he's a whiz kid when it comes to charms and i'll bring it back to you later on" Eva wouldn't take no for an answer and grabbed his homework.

"Are you sure.. because I can do it"

"Yes Draco go get some sleep", the boy smiled appreciatively at the older girl he idolised so much.

"I really like what you've done with your hair by the way.. it really suits you" he began to walk away yawning leaving Eva confused.

Absentmindedly she grabbed a strand of her hair, she did a double take. Was that purple? Oh no it couldn't be, Eva was definitely hallucinating. It had to be the lack of sleep.

She raced up the stairs not giving a rat's ass about her sleeping dorm mates and barged into her dorm room. The sudden noise made the inhabitants jolt awake.

"Jesus Smith could you be any quieter?" Her dorm mate Sasha Millington asked sarcastically rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Eva flipped the blonde girl off in reply.

"Oh you absolute fox with your new hair colour" her other dorm mate Rose Peters complimented. Eva shrieked running to the nearest mirror.

She observed herself, her once dark locks were now a pastel purple. Eva wanted to scream, who the hell had gone out of their way to do this to her.

"Jess" Eva whined. Jessie didn't budge from her bed. "Jessica please I need you", she whined even further.

Jessie sighed and rose from her bed, walking behind her bestfriend, Sighing she grabbed pieces of Eva's hair who at the moment was being a total drama queen.

"Well personally I think you look amazing"

Eva huffed and began to think of logical reasons to why this was happening to her. Who would do something this pathetic? Either she had done it to herself in her sleep or someone with a hatred for her had acted.

Oh and Eva knew just who.

"Fred Weasley is going to wish he was never pushed out of his mother's vagina" Eva began.

She received some worried glances from her three dorm mates.

"Oh yes when i'm done with him, he'll wish for death and just when he thinks it's all over i'll"

She made a twisting gesture with her hands, insinuating she was going to rip the boy's balls off for messing with her.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry if you
don't enjoy this
chapter. I'm trying
my best to update
for you all.

i'm not in a great
headspace at the
moment but regardless
I hope you like this
new chapter.

—Sophie <33

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