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Eva spent the days after her meetup with Jessie trying to stay occupied. A very important task for Eva was to find out anything she could about Evangeline Mayweather but seeing as the ministry had repeatedly denied her request to see the woman's file, Eva had little to go on.

Luckily she had the woman's photograph and a personal account from Narcissa stating Evangeline Mayweather was indeed close with the self-proclaimed Marauders and Eva would be a fool not to confront them about it at the party.

The struggle to put the pieces together kept Eva busy, she didn't have to think about her decisions because deep down Eva really didn't know if she had made the right one letting Adam and Jessie back into her hectic life.

As Eva sat curling her hair on the half broken chair, she thought about how the Marauders might take her accusations. Surely James would do anything to help? He seemed the type and Eva couldn't help but feel like the man quite liked her.

However the night would probably be most uncomfortable, spending an evening with one of your teachers didn't much take Eva's fancy. It was nearing half six, she had to get a move on and fast.

She was wearing just a simple layered black dress with her scuffed converse, her curled hair made the look more elegant but then again the chunk of eyeliner probably made her look like a cheap prostitute.

What did one bring to these parties, champagne? Eva would be damned if she brought that, it wouldn't even end up in the Potter's hands before she would drink the whole thing.

When Eva was ready she once again stored the pictures in her cleavage and stepped into her fireplace.

"The Potter's Manour, Godric's Hollow!"

When Eva landed, she seemed to be next to a lane of sorts. It wasn't completely dark so Eva opted to head towards the light and by god was the view something.

The house was huge, nothing like Eva had ever seen before and it seemed very secluded. It was safe to say Eva felt extremely out of place. She rubbed her arms, feeling the effects of the cold weather as she knocked on the door.

When Eva said she'd go, it was expected that loads of people were asked to attend but hardly any noise was being made as Eva bent down to place her ear next to the letter box.

The door was thrown open catching Eva off guard, almost giving the girl a heart attack,

"Jesus Harry are you trying to put me under the ground?" She grinned sarcastically at the scarred boy.

"Preferably" Harry taunted. Eva pretended to be completely outraged.

"Well don't you look smart?" Eva complimented Harry eyeing his blazer and trousers. He smiled in appreciation ushering the girl inside his home.

The two walked side by side down what seemed to be a very long corridor, the house already was so confusing for Eva.

"Where is everybody?" Eva asked, she expected the house to be packed.

"The dining room, don't particularly care" Harry shrugged looking as if he'd be anywhere else. Harry began to push a white door open, Eva should of stopped talking but didn't think to.

"You're so grumpy today, it's refreshing" Eva blurted out waltzing inside the room. Harry awkwardly coughed intending to show Eva she was in a room filled with people.

"Oh..." Eva mumbled, she looked around and upon spotting the Weasley twins her face contorted.

"We were wondering where Harry had gotten to.." James announced to the audience sipping on a flute of champagne. "He's brought Eva with him!". All of a sudden he stood up, making his way to stand beside the two teenagers.

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