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Listening to Jessie attempt to justify her actions was laughable, in fact Adam and Eva were barely able to contain themselves. They promised Jessie no judgement but couldn't help but tease her.

"I just thought Wood was last year's phase.. clearly not though" Eva said sniggering into her goblet, Adam himself found it extremely amusing and a very good distraction.

"We just happened to bump into each other" Jessie defended herself, a light maroon colour dusting her cheeks.

"Yes, yes when I bump into someone.. I too let them take off my pants" Eva blurted out, she was now roaring with laughter and Adam had soon joined in.

"This isn't the time nor place.." Jessie hissed lowly, after all they were sat in the great hall with the rest of the school on a Friday morning and Eva was clearly making a scene.

"For real though why weren't we told?" Eva asked seriously, it was like she could switch off her emotions.

"I wonder why and plus it's not safe, especially if someone is reporting back to my parents"

Eva nodded in understanding.

"But seriously Jess the prefect's bathroom?" Eva questioned pouring a large amount of pumpkin juice into her mouth.

"It was cosy?" She stated nervously.

"It sounded like you were strangling each other but okay" Adam commented, Eva couldn't deal. It was all too funny, so much so Eva spat her drink everywhere and as a result knocked her glass over but this didn't stop her from emitting a loud cackle.

It was like old times, Eva doing something stupid and gaining unwanted attention from the student body. It too was almost an unfamiliar feeling.

"Smith!" A loud voice quipped. Eva sighed, now she was done for and rightfully so. The Slytherin table was covered in sticky liquid that Eva had knocked and the snakes weren't very happy with her.

"Minnie!" Eva shouted, the stern teacher was making her way over to Eva's position and was sure to punish her.

"Are you aware you're no longer four years old?" Mcgonnagall questioned loudly, it was as if nothing in Hogwarts could be conducted discreetly. "This isn't suitable behaviour for a student".

"No way!" Eva commented weakly, causing the growing crowd of people to giggle lightly. Eva zoned out and made eye contact with the man she had come to know as Remus Lupin who was mischievously grinning at her.

"Detention with.. hmm.. Lupin"

Eva sighed with relief it wouldn't really be torture then if it was with Remus, he was actually quite kind and encouraging. Adam giggled quietly.

"Don't think you've gotten away with your rowdy behaviour O'Donnell, detention tonight"



"It's clear she won't reach out to us on her own so I'll have to man up and do it myself" James commented at the dining table.

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