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"What was that?" Eva asked outraged, pushing away from Fred. "Do you have any concept of personal space, Weasley?".

"I have six siblings.. what do you think?" He replied amused. "It was a new years kiss Eva, calm down!".

"First you kiss me at the party, then you attempt god knows what in the kitchen and then this.. when is it going to end?"

Fred scanned her face, Eva looked hurt as if what Fred had been doing was an impractical joke.

"It's not like you push me away"

"Why are you doing this to me?" Eva asked softly. "Is it because I did it to you.. manipulated your feelings?".

"What?" Fred couldn't really tell what she was talking about. "You did what?".

"You didn't think I was actually flirting with you at school did you?" Eva spoke harshly.

"You're messing!" Fred shouted getting angry. "God forbid Eva Smith actually has feelings, I don't even want to believe you're that shallow".


"Why are you still doing this?" Adam asked his once brunette bestfriend amusedly.

"Because... it's entertaining is it not?" Eva smirked, continuing to send Fred Weasley flirty gazes and winks whilst in History Of Magic.

Adam rolled his eyes, Eva had been at this all week.


"I mean I was actually beginning to like you, even as a person aswell as that"

"How can you say that?" Eva asked, "you don't know me, in fact no one at this party does.. so it's best if I leave"

"It was self sabotage throwing myself into a pit of Gryffindors, I should have known better" Eva shouted, she would always get the last word. Fred groaned and kicked the fence, girls were so confusing.

Eva angrily stormed into the house trying to locate the front door.

"Why the fuck is this house so big?" Eva screeched frustrated. All the doors and corridors looked exactly the same.

"Sweetheart is everything alright?"

Eva's eyebrows rose, staring at the mother of Harry Potter.

"I can't find the front door.." Eva told the woman defeated.

"Leaving so soon, it isn't even twelve yet?"

That little shit, it wasn't even twelve yet.

"I've gotten into too many arguments tonight for my liking Mrs.Potter" Lily nodded and ushered the girl to follow her to the front door.

"I want to apologise on behalf of my husband and his mutt, i'm sure they had a perfectly reasonable explanation for the way they acted"

"Sure.." Eva said as she walked out and closed the door after her.


Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now