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Harry looked to his dad confused, Eva had just had some sort of meltdown and Harry noticed his dad making it his business to calm her down. Although the other adults in Harry's life didn't think it strange at all.

It didn't make any sense. His dad was always asking questions about her, mentioning her in letters and apparently inviting her to lunch? Harry believed his dad was becoming barmy.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Harry questioned. James and Sirius looked to each other guiltily.

"Harry we have something to tell you" James muttered lowly to his son.

"I just want to be alone guys" Eva told Adam and Jessie sadly as the trio trudged into the school.

Not only was Eva embarrassed but she had lost her temper in front of the whole school. Eva was devestated about the loss but felt bad for snapping at Draco, the poor boy couldn't even bring himself to look at the older girl, in fear of her ripping him in half.

Adam and Jessie agreed to give her the alone time she needed, they knew how she got after quidditch matches especially when Slytherin lost. In Eva's third year they had been playing Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory caught the snitch.

Eva was so angry she tried to attack Cedric who at the time was boasting cockily to his housemates, Adam had to rip the girl off the seeker. It was no secret that Eva Smith had anger issues but her bestfriends didn't mind.

The girl had been through alot and the two knew that, Eva was an amazing friend to the two and an extremely kind person if you got on the right side of her.

Eva walked for a little while, until the voices had drowned out and she was sure she was alone. Eva reached the seventh floor, and felt along the walls with her fingers.

The room of requirement..

She had found it in her second year, when she had been seeking an escape from a furious Filch. It appeared to her and it was a great place to get away and hide. Eva thought only she knew about it but that clearly wasn't true...

Eva made herself comfortable inside, it had transformed the room to have a coach and a small fire burning in the centre. Eva sighed she dropped her face in her hands.

Eva had to apologise to Draco soon, should she apologise to James Potter aswell?

She started to feel regretful, after all he did try to calm her down but why would he go out of his way to? Eva had so many questions but honestly there were too many mistakes she had to fix.

In the background Eva heard a clicking noise, jumping up she scanned her surroundings. Eva heard footsteps and she began to panic. No she was able to take on an attacker, she pulled her wand out and began to stalk around the room.

"Going to hex me?" A voice spoke. Eva sat back down with a groan, of course it wasn't an attacker.

"How did you find me Weasley?" Eva questioned rubbing her forehead violently. Fred smirked and sat himself down beginning to get comfortable.

"You tend to make a lot of noise wherever you go" Fred replied innocently.

"Were you following me?" Eva asked outraged.

"Some would say that, now personally I would prefer to say I was accompanying you" he laughed obnoxiously. Eva looked at the happy boy strangely with her eyebrows raised.

"Stalker" Eva said bluntly.

"Just wanted to see how you are"

"Pfft, as if don't you have a party to get to?" Eva questioned wanting to call the boy out on his bullshit.

"I do but it can wait"

A strange feeling filled Eva up, she couldn't be sure what it was but it felt weird. She felt a bit self-conscious, Fred was staring at her and didn't try very hard to hide the fact that he was.

"You played well today" Fred said kindly, Eva stared incredibly confused, she was sure that she had made fun of him the whole game.

To his face...

"Not well enough" Eva muttered, too tired to fire back at the ginger haired boy.

"There's always next time" he said positively, Eva couldn't help but smile a little bit. Fred smirked picking up the small gesture.

"You played well today aswell" Eva said quietly.

"Did Eva Smith just compliment me?"

"Don't get used to it Weasley" Eva glared.

"Right i'll be off, this is too weird" Eva exclaimed confused.

"Till next time my love" Fred said teasingly. Although Eva didn't respond, she felt her cheeks blush crimson. Though no one would ever know..

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now