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"We're going to Gryffindor victory party!"

Eva wasn't going to lie, it was an excellent game. Ravenclaw put up a good fight but in the end Gryffindor came out stronger. Quidditch always put Eva in a good mood especially when it wasn't Slytherin losing the game.

"Well hello to you too 'little Miss i'm on a mission', Good game I expect?" Jessie chuckled at Eva's foolish mood.

"Was it just!" Eva gushed, hurling herself onto her bed. Jessie and Adam stared at each other, Eva was unusually happy.

"Okay.. so back to the party, what makes you think they'll let us in?" Adam asked carefully.

"Cuz i'm mates' with Harry aren't I?" Eva stated blandly.

"Are you?" Jessie asked sceptically. Eva scoffed, just wanting an excuse to go drinking.

"There will be alcohol!"

"Right, we're in" Jessie and Adam spoke simultaneously.

Adam left the girl's dorms to get ready himself, Eva wasn't one to get dressed up much but Jessie had convinced her to on this occasion.

Jessie herself wore a low-cut pink, perlescent top paired with a black mini skirt. Eva was positive if she happened to not be straight, she'd set her sights on Jess.

Eva pulled out a hoodie with a pair of black jeans from her wardrobe, Jessie looked absolutely horrified. The majority of Hogwarts only ever saw Eva adorning her quidditch clothes, her uniform or baggy hoodies.

"No, that is just not happening" Jessie scolded.

"But, why?" Eva moaned. Jessie glared at her bestfriend and returned to her own closet, grabbing a tight, bodycon dress. It was black in colour so maybe Eva wouldn't be as opposed to wear it.

Eva was a scary girl but when Jessie got angry, Eva knew not to mess with her, ever. So she did as she was told and slipped on the black dress.

To Eva's surprise it was gorgeous, Eva spotted curves on herself she didn't even know she had. She exited the bathroom, Jessie began to squeal with glee.

"You never told me you had boobs!" Jessie laughed excitedly. Eva laughed awkwardly and began to shuffle uncomfortably.

Twenty minutes later both girls were littered in jewellery and much to Eva's dismay a face full of cosmetics.

"Are you sure I look alright?" Eva questioned glancing confusedly in the mirror, not exactly recognising the person she was looking at.

"The almighty Eva Smith is feeling self-conscious.. never did I think i'd see the day"

"Shove off" Eva pushed Jessie playfully.

"You look gorgeous, now come on we'll be late"

The duo walked into the dimly lit common room, attaching Adam at their side the trio made their way discreetly to the Gryffindor common room.

The music could be heard clearly from outside the door, you'd think they'd attempt a silencing spell but Eva supposed Mcgonnagall favoured her own house too much to give out.

"Who's knocking?" Adam questioned.

"NOT ME" Jessie and Adam shouted, Eva frowned, knocking lightly on the painting.

"You three snakes shouldn't be allowed inside" The fat lady glared at the Slytherins.

"Ya well shove it up your arse" Eva muttered.

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