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"Do you want us to wait for you?" Jessie asked zipping her bag up. Eva glanced at Adam, his eyes were bloodshot and tired looking.

"No it's alright" Eva answered, wondering why Adam looked extremely sleep deprived. She waited patiently at her desk until everyone had left the classroom, thinking of how to defend herself. When Remus bid his last student goodbye, he walked over to Eva's spot.

"Okay but before I get detention I want to say I don't regret saying a thing" Eva commented sternly crossing her arms on the now 'stained' desk.

"Detention?" Remus questioned amusedly giving her a boyish grin. "That wasn't exactly worthy of punishment".

"You act as if you've done worse, sir!" Eva said looking at the young teacher weirdly, he sent her a mischievious look in return.

"Sir?" Eva asked raising her eyebrows.

"Anyways the point of me asking you to stay is because i've booked you a meeting with Dumbledore".

"For what reason?" Eva enquired cautiously.

"You wanted to know more about Evangeline did you not?" Eva's expression grew. "I feared I wouldn't do her story justice so who better to tell you than her godfather?".

"Dumbledore was her godfather?" Eva asked incredibly shocked.

"Indeed he was and before you head up to his office, I want to apologise for our behaviour the other day. It isn't easy to lose a friend, I hope you can forgive us".

"Of course" Eva never thought about it that way.

"He's expecting you" Eva nodded and began to pack her things.

"Oh and Eva?"

"Yes?" Eva asked turning around.

"Is your friend Adam, getting enough sleep?"

"Honestly sir, we don't talk much anymore.." she mumbled walking out of the classroom.

Eva had never been to the headmaster's office before, if anything it felt quite daunting. It was quite fascinating to know he had once been the 'godfather' of a Slytherin.

The closer she came to the office, the closer she came to her past.

"Sherbert lemon" Eva whispered. The steps up to the office itself caused her to feel nervous. She knocked harshly attempting to steady her heartbeat.

"Do come in!"

One last breath left Eva's airway as she entered the impressive space. Dumbledore himself was stood next to a cauldron of some sort. Eva sort of just stood there awkwardly.

"Eva Smith we meet again.." he stated. "It's been a long time, please join me".

Eva marched over to where the older wizard was stood, he still had questionable clothing choices she thought. He began to laugh quietly but what was funny?.

"Sir can I ask what that is?" Eva asked pointing into the cloudy pot.

"A creation of my own making, it allows other to see the past". He looked at Eva from under his half-mooned spectacles. "What is it that you wish to ask me?".

"You knew I was her child didn't you?.. I mean it never made sense before how you found me at a muggle orphanage but it seems much clearer now, that you previously knew of my existence".

Eva peered up at the old man, he looked expressionless.

"If you were her godfather, then you must of known she was pregnant" Eva wasn't certain about anything she was saying but Eva was smart and everything began to click for her.

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