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As much as Eva loved Hogwarts, she hated going to class, she hated doing homework and she especially hated studying. Eva hardly ever studied but fifth year students had their owls to prepare for and she was already fed up.

The teacher's thought it was a fantastic idea to bring the fifth year students into the study hall as a collective to work on any unfinished assignments and possibly begin prepping for their exams later on in the year.

In theory it was a brilliant plan but for the likes of Eva and her friends it was just an excuse to nap in public. Eva was sat on the faded bench surprisingly with her nose in a book, while Adam had his head rested on the table, light snores emitting from his mouth.

Jessie was staring intently at the Gryffindor's, looking like a lovesick puppy.

"You're making it so obvious.." Eva mumbled not lifting her eyes from the hardback she was gazing at. Jessie then realised what she had been doing and looked away with wide eyes.

"He isn't looking anyway, he's too busy passing notes with Clearwater" Jessie huffed sadly opening a book as she spotted Mcgonnagall inspecting the rows.

"Eh she's ugly, don't worry about it" Eva replied. Jessie frowned, Eva wasn't being helpful at all.

"Fred Weasley won't stop staring at you, sort of creepy really.." Jessie whispered sending a glare Fred's way. Eva dropped the book and look slightly to her side only to spot Fred Weasley gazing at her while muttering things to Lee.

"I was fake nice to him for literally one second, now look how he's acting.. damn society is so fucked up"

"What's so interesting about Clearwater?" Jessie asked confused.

"Nice tits" Adam mumbled. Eva and Jessie scoffed, Eva stood up and leaned over the table and slapped the boy.

"You're supposed to be asleep shut the fuck up"

Snape and Mcgonnagall were on supervising duty, Snape immediately made his way over to where the three Slytherin's were sat and slapped Eva on the head with his copy of the daily prophet.

"Oh look that's James Potter" Eva said rather loudly catching a glimpse of the paper as it hit her. Eva went back to skimming through yet another yearbook, this time focusing just on Slytherin's achievements.

Eva didn't know what she was looking for exactly, all she knew was that her mother must have been a Slytherin. Eva didn't have a date of birth or a name but she hoped something would stand out.

She flicked through pictures and pictures before Jessie flicked her hand away.

"Woah, slow down mister"

"What is it?" Eva asked bluntly staring coldly at Jessie who had interrupted her important affairs.

"Have you seen how much that women looks like you, how didn't you notice?"

"What.. I?" Eva looked down at the black and white photo, she traced the picture with her finger. There stood a tall women, with extremely long dark hair but that wasn't what stood out, it was her smirk.

It had reminded Jessie of her bestfriend and Eva found herself being drawn to it but who was the other woman?

Eva read through the highlights.

[Evangeline Mayweather & Narcissa Black]
Shows Slytherin pride as their house team wins the cup,      [1974 quidditch cup]

"Malfoy's mum.. right?" Jessie enquired all of a sudden really interested.

"Yes but that woman Evangeline i've never heard of her but yet she looks so familiar" Eva commented feeling dazed.

"I thought it was you when I first saw it" Jessie added. Eva looked scared for a moment before replacing it was her neutral stare.

"I think it's time I have a chat with Draco's mum" Eva commented.

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