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The week had passed by pretty quickly, it was now Friday and Eva's first of many double Potion's classes. She walked alongside Adam and Jessie, they had been worried about her ever since her episode in DADA.

They decided not to push it however, not wanting to upset her. Eva wasn't very fond of potions, so she opted to draw out a list of the new people in her house trying out for quidditch on Saturday during it.

On the corridor Eva spotted Harry with Granger and Weasley, Granger and Weasley seemed to be having a spat. Eva watched Harry carefully he seemed to have enough of their shit.

Opting to help the boy out a bit, she smiled at him. "Hullo Harry". Ron Weasley who had been shouting at Hermione glanced up with wide eyes. As the the older group of three strutted in the oposite direction, Eva couldn't help but hear Ron's reply.

"Bloody hell Harry, she's the best quidditch player in the school why does she know you?"

Eva giggled and turned her attention back to her friends who were staring at her like she had four eyes.

"I know i'm pretty but there's no need to stare"

"Did you just greet Harry Potter?" Jessie asked completely outraged.

"I believe I did" Eva said casually.

"You realise we don't like him" Adam and Jessie muttered.

"You realise I don't like Oliver Wood but yet you're still off snogging him every other day" Eva sassed.

"Fair enough really" Jessie complied not very bothered at Eva's brash statement, she was well used to it at this stage.

The trio arrived in Snape's class, surprisingly Eva was one of Snape's favourites although she didn't excel much and hardly payed attention, her nature reminded him of himself as a young man, brash and defensive.

"Assigned seating affective immediately" Snape exclaimed dramatically.

"Bell with O'Donnell"

"Johnson and George Weasley"

"Lynch and Jordan"

"Spinnet and Bletchley"

"Towler and Pucey"

"Smith and Weasley no2" Eva cringed as Fred Weasley pointed confidently to their shared desk, she groaned this would not be a good day

"Seems Snape thinks we're a match made in heaven, Smith" he grinned at the annoyed girl.

"Then he must be on drugs quite literally" she snapped, Snape started his lecture where Eva most definitely tuned out, to continued working on the quidditch line up.

"Whatcha doin?" Fred whispered.

"Nothing that concerns you" Eva growled ripping the piece of paper away from him.

"Oh quidditch, maybe I can help i'm a fantastic beater you know" he smirked completely disregarding his work.

"You most certainly aren't fantastic and no I don't actually need your help, i'm captain for a reason, so kindly piss off" she glared.

"Awww you're cute when you're angry"


"Ms.Smith are you aware we're in the middle of a lesson?" Snape asked unimpressed.

"Yes sir" she frowned.

"Well do better to remember next time, detention tonight Weasley,Smith 7pm"

"Sir please not with him" Eva begged, which caused Fred to smirk even more.

"I'm fine with it you know" he said.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now