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"Now if the captains could shake hands please"

Eva glared patronisingly at Oliver Wood, who had his usual cocky grin, gracing his thin face. Eva sighed, she spotted Jessie looking at the boy like he was some sort of angel.

"I'd wipe the smirk of your face, Wood" Eva growled gripping her broom tightly.

"Keep running your mouth Smith"

The two shook hands roughly, before flying up the pitch. Eva spotted Harry smiling proudly towards his parents and godparents but before she began feeling depressed Eva saw her two best friends cheering for her in the stands.

That gave her confidence she needed to get the game started in Slytherin's favour. The quaffle was released and it seemed Eva was the only one paying attention, she sped forward past Alicia Spinnet and grabbed the quaffle.

"Smith in posession of the quaffle and god damn she is fast, did you all see that?" Lee Jordan's voice echoed from the stands.

Angelina Johnson began to chase Eva, Eva looped around the dark-haired girl and passed to Warrington. Cassius Warrington was an extremely rough player, quite big aswell.

"Warrington in posession, he zooms towards the goal. Spinett of Gryffindor attempts to intercept, Warrington seems to have pushed her out of his vacinity"

Eva smirked at Warrington's actions. Warrington threw the quaffle roughly towards the hoop, Oliver Wood attempted to save it but missed by a little.

"Ten points to Slytherin" Lee Jordan sang. The score board was changed, Eva grinned.

"GOOD JOB,WARRINGTON" Eva roared, getting the audience's attention. She smiled triumphantly. Before shouting to Draco to keep his eyes pealed for the snitch.

Montague failed to retrieve the quaffle, Fred Weasley had hit a bludger straight at the boy and it went hurdling into the hands of Angelina Johnson.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE MONTAGUE" Eva roared receiving a glare off Mcgonnagall, she raced after Angelina who was making leaps towards Bletchley's goal.

Eva began to hit into the side of Johnson's broom. Angelina began to wobble.

"Face off between Smith and Johnson, Smith isn't known for being gentle and look" Lee announced, the Gryffindor's gulped.

Angelina fell upside down managing to grip her broom in time before falling. Eva stuck out her tongue and sped towards Gryffindor's goal.

The Weasley's began to hit bludgers in the girl's direction, effortessly she dodged each one. James who watched in the stands, was decently surprised with her athletic ability.

"Try to do better Weasleys" Eva shouted cockily. With immense power she scored another goal for Slytherin, for the time being they made a mockery of Oliver Wood.

"That's another ten points for, Slytherin!" Once again the scoreboard had been changed.

Eva and the other chasers had been going at each other for at least twenty minutes. The score was currently 40-30 to Slytherin.

All of a sudden Harry Potter began to zoom across the pitch and although Draco trudged after him, he wasn't as quick. Eva panicked, they couldn't lose. This could be it.

"DRACO KNOCK HIM OFF HIS BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO, GET THE FUCKING SNITCH" Eva screamed at the blonde boy, the audience gulped at the girl's bluntness.

Lily stared at the petite girl wondering how such a loud noise could emit from her.

Harry and Draco were on each other tails, they began to go faster and began to fly headfirst down the pitch. Eva knew what would happen, Draco would pull up.

"Draco don't pull up I swear to god" Eva muttered from her position on the pitch.


The crowd began to cheer loudly for the lions while Eva began to go red. How many times had she told the daft blonde boy never to pull up? She could feel steam rising from her face.

Everyone ran onto the pitch to congratulate the Gryffindor team while Eva made her way to Draco, so calmly that the Slytherin team were almost scared. The tension could be cut with a knife.

"Draco" Eva spoke, the pale boy gulped and walked to the girl.

"How many times have I told you not to pull up" she glared barely able to keep her emotions in. Draco began to stutter and watched the girl.

"ANSWER ME DRACO, DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR POSITION ON THIS TEAM, I CAN TAKE YOU OFF LIKE THIS" Eva roared snapping her fingers. The thirteen year old looked as if he was going to cry.

"No need to shout it was a fair game" James attempted to tell the girl although he could hardly contain his excitement about Harry's win.

"Do you ever fuck off, it's like you follow me" she roared at the man, Jessie sprinted towards Eva and began to pull the girl away before she made more of a specticle of herself.

Author's note:
Harry obviously
doesn't get affected
by the dementors
as he doesn't have
those traumatic
memories in this book.

The dementors are
definitely still on the
school campus though.
If you enjoyed this
chapter please let
me know!


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