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Eva angrily ate her dinner, detention was bad enough to put a damper on her mood but the fact she'd have to endure Weasley for an hour made her want to combust, maybe Eva could ask Seamus Finnigan for a hand with it.

She clenched her teeth, unknowingly glaring at the red-headed Gryffindor who had been showing Lee Jordan how many grapes he could put up his nose. At this stage half her house was watching the tempermental girl closely, many claimed steam was rising from her face.

Adam and Jessie sat across from the girl, eyes raised at one another. They knew what might happen it they didn't intervene.

"Eva darling?" Jessie questioned, permanently put off her glaring battle the brown-haired girl turned her attention to her bestfriend.

"What is it?" Eva asked boredly

"Maybe don't take your anger out on the cutlery?" Adam suggested slyly. Confused Eva looked down to the spoon in her palm which had now been bent in half from her clutching it so tightly.

"Fuck" Eva shouted, gaining alot of unwanted attention.

"Don't make me give you two detentions Smith" Snape called out scarily from the teacher's table.

"He's supposed to like me" Eva whined.

"Oh shove off you did this to yourself" Jessie laughed amusedly.

"Amused, Jessie?" Eva glared. Which caused Jessie to laugh even harder. Eva groaned and realised she had about ten minutes to spare until detention and seeing as her friends were annoying her she abruptly left.

Harry Potter had been watching the girl curiously at dinner ever since their chat, he couldn't help but notice the girl's mood changed alot. Sometimes she'd be angry and take it out on people but sometimes she could be kind or at least attempt it.

Eva looked to the Gryffindor table, feeling eyes on her when she saw the younger boy watching her, she sent him a kind smile and continued on her way. Eva Smith was a very confusing person to say the least.

Eva took a seat in the dungeons waiting for Snape to show up. She seemed to be the first one there and it was getting late enough.

"If your gonna give fucking detention, at least show up" she grumbled to herself.

"We always have each other if the sod doesn't show up" a familiar voice bellowed.

"Why me, why me?" Eva moaned, "anything I would do anything not to be here" she began to dramatically pray. Fred who was quite clearly amused by the girl's antics placed himself beside her.

"Can I ask what the hell you're at"

"What does it look like Weasley, i'm praying of course" she sighed turning away from the boy who tried to reciprocate her actions.

"Praying, I don't believe i'm familiar with a praying" Fred mumbled mostly to himself.

"Purebloods" Eva sighed quietly.

Snape strutted in just as dramatic as usual, although he had been ten minutes late.

"Late sir" Eva smirked.

"Thanks for the observation Smith" Snape sneared. "Parchments out you're going to write 500 lines!".

"Sir" Fred exclaimed. Eva looked to the ginger wondering what he was playing at.

"What is it Weasley?" He asked clearly irriatated.

"I haven't got any parchment"

"Oh for Salazaar's sake take some of Smith's and leave me alone, not one more word"

Eva went at her lines hoping to leave early, ensuring she could rest before Quidditch tryouts the next day but alas nothing was ever that simple.

Five minutes was all it took for Fred Weasley to become bored, he quickly slid a note onto Evas's desk.

Swiftly Eva opened it. 'You look rather cute when focusing'. Eva fake gagged and smirked writing her reply, 'and you look gastly all the time, now kindly leave me alone!'.

She was sure that would hurt his feelings but he smirked nonetheless. An hour passed by quickly with Fred Weasley making countless attempts at gaining the Slytherin's attention.

As soon as Snape said the two could leave she practically sprinted out of the room, Fred sprinting after her.

"Ugh what is it Weasley, do you ever tire of annoying me?"

"I had a good time tonight" he smiled.

"It was detention Weasley you clearly haven't got much standards if you enjoyed that"

"As long as i'm with you"

"Please fuck off" she seethed.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now