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Since Eva had been a little girl, she had loved to run. When a day at the orphanage became too much for her, she ran laps until she couldn't any longer. It was her thing, it helped Eva to clear her head.

Her mind was filled with uncertainties, she only had one item of possession left with her as a baby, a necklace, a beautiful necklace although Eva felt she had no personal connection with the piece of jewellery.

She left alot of things in her life to fate, that what would happen, would happen for a reason seeing as she knew very little about her life besides the experiences she had created for herself.

Eva often wondered, who had left her at the oprhanage. Even after she discovered she was a witch, she knew it couldn't be the ministry who had left her at the vile place, Eva had looked into that already and the ministry had no record of her placement or parents.

So she usually tried to forget about her questions and focused on the future ahead. Eva didn't have trust-funds like Jessie and Adam, so she'd have to make her own way in the world.

That's why she deemed quidditch so important, she may not have been booksmart but she was extremely athletic and determined. Eva would become a professional quidditch player if it was the last thing she did.

Eva was on edge Saturday morning, when she woke she felt sick. Slytherin had to win, Eva couldn't afford not to.

Eva's roommates had wished the girl luck, even after Jessie has convinced them to keep quiet. Which ultimately Jessie was right, Eva had roared the head of the two girls.

Jessie managed to coax Eva down for breakfast, getting Eva to eat was a different story. The duo met Adam at the breakfast table,  Eva could see the distasteful glances she was receiving.

"Eat, now!" Jessie spoke sternly pushing a piece of toast in front of her bestfriend.

"I'll get sick" Eva moaned while Adam snickered quietly.

Remus Lupin had been updating James on Eva and couldn't help but smile as he heard their distant conversation, it reminded him of when James used to be captain of the Gryffindor team.

"What time is it?" Eva asked putting her face in her hands, the amount of stress she was feeling was crazy.

"9.20, match is at 10:10" Adam replied glancing at his watch.

"You have plenty of time, don't worry" Jessie reassured rubbing Eva's back.

"I need to warmup, that's hardly any time at all" Eva shrieked, beginning to stand up.

"We'll meet you there" Jessie and Adam shouted to the girl.

In theory Eva was probably not going to warmup, she felt too sick to. She returned to her dorm, to get changed. Eva wiped the eyeliner from her face and tied her hair back.

She always got a bit sad looking at her reflection, Eva longed for someone to say 'oh you look so much like your mother' or 'you have your father's eyes'. Eva didn't know who she looked like, she supposed she was just Eva.

Eva looked to the locket around her neck and ultimately decided to leave it on, perhaps as good luck. She grabbed her broom and made her way down to the quidditch pitch alone, to be left with her own thoughts.

The closer she got to the pitch, the louder it got. It seemed many parents had come to watch the first match of the season. She laughed at some of the boy's on her team.

Their parents seemed to be babying them and the usually stuck up lads looked to be extremely embarrassed. She smiled to herself, today was supposed to a good day, if they won of course.

"Eva!" A voice called out. Eva turned around confused only to be met with the Malfoy family. She smiled at the youngest Malfoy and nodded respectively at his parents.

"Mum this is our captain Eva Smith" he said excitely, Eva giggled at the boy's antics.

"Lovely to meet you Mr and Mrs Malfoy" Eva smiled sweetly, it almost felt foreign to her but she couldn't help having a soft spot for the younger boy.

It was getting late and Eva excused herself, while at the same time sending the blonde boy off to the dressing room.

"I'll be in a moment Draco, I'm just making sure the rest of the team know where to go"

Gryffindor's began to pass Eva and she couldn't help but scowl, The twins and their younger brother Ronald hanging a bit behind the crowd. She smiled at Ron knowing he was close with Harry.

Fred Weasley sent the girl a wink, Eva rolled her eyes and stuck her middle finger up at him. She was pretty sure the rest of the team were waiting on her so Eva decided it was time to go in.

That was until she spotted the Potter clan heading in her direction, she began to mutter profanities under her breath. No one would get in the way of quidditch not even Harry.

Pretending to pay no attention to the family, she slowly made her way to the dressing room doors.

"Oi, you" a voice bellowed. Eva groaned and sent a distasteful look to the long-haired man.

"Why is it you always have to annoy me?" Eva glared at the Potter, Black duo.

"You got our message from Harry didn't you?" James asked hopefully.

"Yes" Eva muttered glancing at her nails disinterested.

"And?" Sirius added.

"And I don't care" Eva said simply.

"Fine but good luck today" James smiled. Sirius punched James' shoulder.

"We don't wish snakes good luck"

Lily glared at the taller man, how could he be so rude.

Eva's blood boiled, she was becoming infuriated.

"And snakes don't need your good luck, we'll wipe the floor clean with Gryffindor" Eva smirked.

"Oh and also keep a careful watch on Harry, who knows he might accidently fall off his broom" Eva almost burst out laughing at their reactions, they looked horrified.

If anyone had house pride it was Eva, not even Harry could change that . No matter how friendly they were..

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