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[FRED'S POV] the previous night..

"Another great win!" Fred exclaimed flopping violently down onto his un-made bed in the dorm room closely accompanied by Lee and George.

"You could say that again, Chang's face was absolutely priceless to say the least" George commented throwing himself onto Fred's bed.

Lee smirked waltzing into the dorm realising he had useful information that the two boys didn't have a hold of.

"You'll never guess who showed up clad in leisure wear.." Lee began to state calmly.

"Dumbledore?" George joked, earning a few giggles from Fred.


"Sorry?" Fred asked confusedly.

"Scary slytherin, around 5,5 but could take on all three of us at once with her eyes closed" Lee finished. A sly grin appeared on George's face once he caught onto what Lee was getting at.

"Would you hear that Eva Smith came to our match Freddie, our match!" George and Lee looked to the boy with similar expression.

"Didn't notice her" Fred stated casually but the red tinge on his face said otherwise and his fidgety behavior was a huge giveaway . He did in fact see her and when he did he nearly fell off his broom.

"We believe you Fredrick" Lee smiled sarcastically now lying on the bed aswell.

"So the partayy' we're expected the bring the beverages I expect" Lee stated knowingly.

"Don't worry it's all tucked away under my bed, lots of it might I add" Fred said.

The boys chatted aimlessly for a while but one thought frequently flickered in Fred's mind. He wondered why each time he blinked or closed his eyes he pictured her, why he could hear her witty, sarcastic phrases and not hate the thought of it.

For as long as he remembered Eva had hated him but he never hated her, yes he liked to annoy her out of her wits but the hate was always one-sided. Fred was taught to love and accept people growing up even if it meant slimy, Slytherins.

Lately he had been feeling quite differently towards her, something about her seemed different, more determined about something and he couldn't help but like that.

"Freddie, Fredders, Freddo, Frederick" Lee bellowed shaking his bestfriend, who seemed to be completely out of it.


"Put on your nice pants mate" he told the dazed boy.

"Oh yes, right" Fred laughed, brushing away his thoughts.

When the three boys looked at least slightly presentable, they sprinted down the stairs each carrying sacks full of alcohol.

"We've out done ourselves boys!" George stated proudly gripping his best mate and brother's shoulder. They stared at the mountain of drinks.

"Indeed we have Georgina" Fred smirked.

After deciding Lee was going to be tonight mixologist, the twins lamely threw up a few decorations to make the common room look moderately Christmas themed.

Fred lazed on the couch, watching as the common room began to increasingly fill with people. First it had been the Gryffindor's, then half of Hufflepuff at least and surprisingly a few Ravenclaws.

Now the three boys certainly didn't expect three snakes to come but that's when Fred spotted the brunette speaking angrily with Oliver Wood, her two tag alongs with her.

Fred shot up, feeling clammy all of a sudden and raced to get a drink before she could reach the table, seeing as she was notorious for getting black out drunk.

"Alright there, mate?" Lee asked as he leaned against the pillar.

"Fine just parched!" Fred squeaked grabbing a fun coloured shot of firewhiskey, the boys had dyed them, Lee claiming it to be a quirky thing to do.

Upon seeing Eva excitedly race to the drinks table he legged it, he spotted Katie Bell dancing alone. He felt awful, it was commom knowledge that she had a massive crush on him and he decided he would use this to his advantage.

"Hi Katie!" He said sliding in next to her.

"Oh, Fred hi, erm hello" she fumbled with her glass quite a bit. Fred knew she wasn't his type, Katie was quite shy and Fred preferred the outgoing, opiniated type.

"Care to dance?" He left his drink down at the nearest table and clutched her small hand. He moved her with him onto the dance floor, Katie was a good friend that much was true but while she looked so happy to be with him, he felt empty.

He kept glancing subtly at Eva, who at the moment looked to be talking to Harry Potter, how she knew Harry confused Fred greatly. What he wasn't aware of though was that Adam was watching him with each move he made, he was just better at hiding it.

Fred was already bored of dancing with Katie, he longed for one of his siblings to approach him and strike up a conversation. He nicely left Katie, who looked like her whole world had been lit up and discreetly leaned against a pillar watching her.

Fred 100% would deny if someone claimed he liked Eva Smith but how could he explain the blatent stalking he was comitting right here and now.

It wasn't until she was alone he decided to act, it seemed his mind was scattered and he moved towards her unwillingly.

Wanting to act suave, he whispered in her ear. Not being very sober himself.

"Hello love"

Eva was clearly in a state of confusion when she whispered his surname.

"You look breathtaking" he scanned her body up and down, that he couldn't lie about.

"Thanks" the smaller brunette mumbled, she seemed to be having a battle with her subconscious. Fred smiled at her scrunched face.

"Dance with me?"

Eva looked as if she'd say no but as soon as 'yes' spilt from her plump lips, he whisked her away. She was slightly limp in his arms, not being used to affection, he began to sway her along to the muggle song.

Eva seemed to become more comfortable, she crossed her arms around his kneck. He had a notion that Eva could possibly feel his raggety breaths but how could he care? Her touch was addicting and boy did he love the chase.

They looked to each other , staring intently into each other's eyes. He felt himself being drawn to her doe-like hazel orbs, an almost pulling feeling.

Next thing he knew, he was leaning in. The cocky, egotistical, stuck up snake surprisingly reciprocated the action.

Lips on lips, the warmth he felt surge through him was electric. Fred noticed she was quite experienced, their lips seemed to mold quite well together. It was nice, no it was exceptional.

He wished it would continue forever but as he felt the small brunette get ripped away he understood it couldn't, they couldn't.

That when the first punch was thrown.

Fred gripped his nose, feeling the blood ooze from his nose. Adam O'Donnell stood furiously in front of the boy, gaining a lot of unwanted attention.

"Who said you could touch her, Weasle?" He roared viciously. "You're no good, I saw you with Bell, you won't do this to her".

Fred while he wanted to beat the shit out of the boy, he understood Adam was trying to be a good friend in the way he knew how.

"you don't know what she's been through" Adam pushed Fred up against the pillar.

"I don't want to hurt her" Fred whispered, using his body strength to push the blonde back.

"You won't get a chance, i'll kill you I swear to god and when he comes back he'll come for your kind. Mark my words"

'He'll come for your kind' the words rang through Fred's mind. Who would?

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now