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"Why are you still doing this?" Adam asked his once brunette bestfriend amusedly.

"Because.. it's entertaining is it not?" Eva smirked, continuing to send Fred Weasley flirty gazes and winks whilst in History Of Magic.

Adam rolled his eyes, Eva had been at this all week. It had simply started as some friendly gestures to the red-head from time to time to rile him up but it had quickly become flirtatious.

Adam was completely baffled by his friend's actions but he knew when Eva did something she always had a reason for it.

Fred Weasley's cheeks tinged red as he caught another stare from the pretty Slytherin. He wasn't expecting to become so flustered by her gaze but it really had been affecting him.

Eva had been acting completely different towards him, as if she had a personality change overnight.

Lee Jordan nudged Fred's shoulder to get the boy's attention. Fred snapped out of his trance and turned to face Lee.

"She definitely likes you" he commented. Fred's eyes widened.

"Do you reckon?" Fred asked longingly his feelings were confusing him.

"Definitely mate.. she can't keep her eyes off you can she?"

Eva quickly became bored of the task at hand, even tuning into the most boring class in the whole school. Fred frowned he found she wasn't looking at him any longer, he got a strange feeling.

When he pulled that prank on her, he didn't expect her to start acting differently. He didn't know if he could trust it. Professor Binns announced it was the end of class and the two Slytherins raced out of the classroom.

"I need a nap" Adam announced.

"You go do that, for I have quidditch practice" Eva ruffled up Adam's hair before skipping off to her dorm room to get changed into her quidditch uniform.

She was in a bit of a hyper mood and that could be scary for Eva and the people around her.

Jessie was sat in their dorm room doing some sort of homework she was set to finish, for a person who was brought up to be 'perfect' she was surprisingly shit at doing homework or anything in general.

"Jessica" Eva acknowledged.

"Evangeline" Jessie called back.

"That's not even my name, you absolute div" Eva scoffed searching through her trunk for her quidditch uniform.

"It totally could be though, it fits. E do you ever wonder who named you?.. I know its personal it's just that I can't help but wonder"

"I wonder too, Jess I really do" Eva sighed. It seemed Jessie had given up on her homework seeing as she was making her way over to Eva's bed to lounge on it.

"So any boys?" Jessie asked casually.

"Pfft no, no one is mature enough to handle moi" Eva replied cockily.

"So nothing is happening with you and Fred Weasley then?" Jessie exclaimed completely unconvinced.

"No what the hell, no just no" Eva asked incredulously.

"Don't act so surprised, the way you've been acting towards him is certainly questionable" Jessie made herself comfortable in Eva's bed.

"Oi, get out of my bed"


"It's all part of my plan, he lowers his guard I swoop in and destroy him" Eva chuckled psychotically. Jessie laughed awkwardly.

"Psycho.." Jessie whispered.

"Well sorry Ms.Oliver Wood" Eva sassed missing the sorrowful look Jess had sent her.

"No longer i'm afraid"

"What why?" Eva mumbled currently being suffocated by the jearsey she was pushing her head into.

"You know mum and dad don't really aprove of anyone in Gryffindor and plus he's a bloodtraitor, it was just too risky"

"Then there was me thinking you ended things because of me" Eva remarked hugging a sad Jessie. "I'm sorry you had to do that".

"The world doesn't revolve around you Eva" Jessie muttered with a hint of a smile into their hug.

"Yes, yes it does" Eva smirked.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now