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Eva Smith never usually enjoyed Christmas, sure she had heard rumours from the other children that 'a bearded man was supposed to come and supply children with presents' but if he was real, why would he want to come and give her presents?

It didn't help that it was also her birthday, the other kids usually teased and made fun of her, insinuating that it was her fault her mother died on the same day as her. As a result she became quite reserved, usually galivanting around the orphanage alone.

She didn't mind though, Eva was tough and would stick up for herself but came across as quite bitter and sarcasm was her go to, making her ability to make friends extremely poor.

On Christmas eve 1988, Eva turned eleven. As usual she sat in her sad-looking bland room alone, she watched as the rain dripped down the cracked windows. Her fingers traced the damaged panes of glass.

Eva removed her fingers sadly, only to see the indents had been fixed. She wanted to feel shocked but odd things like this had been happening to her for years, without anyone to teach her about it, Eva usually let it go.

Eva closed her eyes.

"A birthday wish...I wish" she sucked up her tears, as she felt them trickle down her face. "for a better life, one where no one can hurt me one, where i'll be unconditionally loved and cared for".

Eva kissed her necklace, apparently it had been the only thing she was left with, a silver chain with gold accents, Eva could almost make out the writing on it. It was possibly J.P, it also had a peculiar animal drawn across it.

All of a sudden a noise could be heard from behind her door, it was like a faint scratching. Eva groaned she thought it to be the doing of the awful kids who would tease her.

Her door was thrown open, a spectacle of light burst through her dull room, making her shut both eyes. She thought she could be dying maybe but yet was left face to face with two unfamilar individuals.

A tall man graced with a long-white beard and a shorter women with a slicked back bun, both wearing questionable clothing choices. Eva gasped she thought back to what the girls and boys used to say , 'a bearded man who's supposed to come and supply children with presents'

"I never thought you'd come, granted they said you would. Didn't believe em' though" Eva said curiously with arms crossed.

"Excuse me?" The bearded man questioned.

"Well you're father Christmas aren't you, so where's my presents then. I believe I asked for a bike, a doll, oh and a new jumper"

"My god" the woman whispered, "you really are his daughter" she whispered under her breath, which seemingly only the man heard.

"Sorry to disappoint Ms.Smith but no I am not Father Christmas, my name is Professor Albus Dumbledore, this here is professor Mcgonnagall and we are to tell you something ever so important"

Eva rolled her eyes, "which is?", now becoming annoyed that she would again get no presents.

"You're a witch, Eva Smith"

"And you're a loony clearly" Eva said amused.

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