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It seemed all the staff were on edge lately, they seemed eager to keep an eye on Potter 24/7. Eva knew better, she knew the boy would go looking for trouble, maybe he would try to take Pettigrew on himself for personal gain.

Eva quickly brushed off these thoughts as she made her way past the group of students harassing Harry, she felt slightly bad for him in a way , he looked totally miserable but as the proud-Slytherin she was , she decided not to step in.

Did that make her an awful person? She thought to herself, no she'd be late to her first DADA lesson and she couldn't miss that. Adam and Jessie had already left the girl to fend for herself, it wasn't her fault she couldn't wake up on time.

As she continued down the corridors, two red-heads joined her at either side, holding their usually shit eating grins.

"Not you two, just as I thought my day was going moderately fine" Eva scowled bitterly.

"You wound me Smith really, we have Lupin's class too you know?" Fred weasley smirked.

"So we thought to ourselves why not walk with our favourite Slytherin to class?" George finished. Eva looked horrified at the thought.

"I'd rather you didn't" Eva proclaimed rudely.

"We heard Lupin's quite good" Fred answered completely dismissing her previous comment.

"He's a part of the Potter clan, that says enough" Eva countered his claim.

"Got a problem with ickle Harry do we?" George teased. Eva simply rolled her eyes in return before pushing the doors to DADA open.

"Nice of you to join us Ms.Smith and I see you've brought the Weasley's with you aswell" Remus Lupin welcomed the three fifth year students. Adam and Jessie watched their bestfriend wearily as she made her way into the empty seat next to them.

"The weasleys?" Jessie whispered horrified.

"You can't say much mrs.Oliver Wood" Eva huffed paying attention to the front of the class

Remus Lupin made himself known to the whole class, attempting to grasp each student's attention althought his focus kept going back to one person... Eva Smith.

"Right today we'll be reviewing boggarts" the class groaned but still opened their textbooks.

"Ah but you see, no books are needed. Everyone make an orderly line at the front of the class, wands out and ready"

"Now can anyone tell me the incantation to rid a boggart?" Professor Lupin asked.

"Ridikulus, sir" Mandy Hawthorne a Ravenclaw student exclaimed.

"Exactly, I want you to picture what you fear the most and keep it in your head a moment"

The class confusedly did as they were told, Eva was angry he seemed a loony if she was being honest but then again she was never a good judge of character.

The locked box in the centre of the room began to make a clanging noise, the trio looked at it wearily.

"What do you think is in it?" Eva asked.

"A troll?" Adam grinned.

"Right luckily Filch has rounded up a boggart for us to practice on, when I unlock this box I want you to use the incantation Riddikulus" Professor Lupin called out clearly.

The first in line was Fred Weasley, Eva rolled her eyes at the cocky boy. His boggart took the form of his brother shouting abuse at him, Eva suspected he feared breaking apart from his twin.

He roared the incantation 'Riddikulus' and the boggart was quick to change to an exploding firework. Eva seemed to tune out, what was she scared of? She racked her brain for an answer although deep down she knew.

A few more students had gone until it had been Adam's go. His boggart had been him failing his Newts, this caused the class to chuckle, it was well known that Adam O'Donnell was a huge nerd and bookworm.

That left Eva to stand in front of the vile creature, wearily she stood in front of it with her wand pointed out. Remus looked to the usually confident girl who seemed to be shaking with nerves at the moment.

The boggart began to change, it took the form of her two bestfriends. Although it wasn't them, the two figures looked to Eva.

"Did you really think we'd ever like an orphan like you, for all we know you could be a filthy mudblood" the boggart in the shape of Adam sneered.

"You came into this world alone and you'll leave it the same way" Jessie laughed hysterically.

Eva's hand began to shake, shaky breaths emitting from her lips. The class watched the girl cautiously, the usual ever so-cocky, well put together girl was on the verge of tears.

"RIDDIKULUS" Eva roared.

She feared herself and ultimately she was terrified of being abandoned and alone..

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