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Grey, mould-ridden walls had been the first thing Eva smith woke up to on the morning of the 23rd, that and an extremely stiff neck from the uncomfortable matress she had slept on the night prior but Eva didn't mind, it was finally the day she agreed to meet Narcissa.

Eva was nervous but she was aware how long she spent searching for this one little breakthrough and if nothing came out of it then so be it, at least Eva could say she tried. The Malfoy's had money, lots of it so Jeans and a hoodie weren't going to cut it.

Eventually Eva stared at the pile of limited clothing she owned, Eva was absolutely horrific when it came to fashion and style. How was she  going to choose something appropriate? that had always been Jessie's job..

On the topic of Jessie, she couldn't understand why the brunette wasn't speaking to her but it deeply hurt her, Eva couldn't bring herself to think about it any longer.

Hours seemed to have passed staring at the same two shades of dresses. There was green or there was green, Eva ended up choosing the green one, who knew the Slytherin would pick a dress of that particular shade.

Eva knew it was the perfect outfit when she looked at herself in the mirror and absolutely loathed the fabric adorning her body, that's how the girl knew it was fancy enough.

Thankfully the purple was nearly out of her hair, only a few strands remaining with the colour. The Malfoys didn't like anything that looked 'cheap' , although Eva thought that statement was highly hypocritical.

Because Lucius Malfoy's hair looked cheap and fake.. box dye perhaps.

Subconsciously Eva reached for her eyeliner, the girl practically had to stab herself to release the tube and not impulsively apply it. She obviously wanted to bring the photo of the two girls along for some sort of proof but Eva couldn't help but feel enchanted by it.

It was like looking at yourself from another's perspective, it was mind-baffling.

She carefully tucked the photo into her bra, realising there were no pockets on the dress, her floo powder collection was running low and that could potentially be a future problem, maybe the troll that runs this place eats it for dessert, she smirked to herself.

Picking up a handful she spoke very clearly.

"Malfoy manour!"

Unsteadily landing in what looked to be the Malfoy's kitchen area, Eva couldn't help but feel amazed. It was obvious the house was absolutely huge, how the three blondes lived alone she didn't know.

Clearly the noise of the impact had startled the younger boy she attended hogwarts with. He hastily bursted through the double doors, with his wand pointed upwards.

"Careful Draco, you're still underage" she commented cheekily regaining her stature. The blonde's eyes widened, never had he seen her in such provocative clothing.

"Eva you're here, in my house?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Indeed I am, your mother is expecting me"

"Oh I see, i'll go fetch her" with a confused expression on his face, he left to inform his mother of the guest.

Eva stood patiently observing the dining room, one thing that stood out to her was that there wasn't a single photo frame or colour for that matter. When Draco returned, a slightly older version of the woman from the photo had come along.

"Lovely to see you again, Mrs Malfoy.." Eva greeted stepping towards the two politely.

"You too Eva but please call me Narcissa, Draco if you could leave us to it that would be appreciated"

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