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It was obvious Eva's face was flustered, how could it not be after her strange encounter with the older Weasley twin? She entered the living room hoping to hide from the boy, Eva wanted to shout at Fred.

She wanted to tell him he meant nothing to her but Eva hated lying and even she couldn't deny how much she liked having Fred close to her.

"Eva come meet my parents properly!" James said patting the empty space next to him on the couch, thinking he was just being friendly Eva complied.

Eva looked at the older man and back to James, they looked so similar. Round glass-rimmed spectacles adorning both of their button shaped noses but while James' eyes were hazel much like her own, Fleamont's were a bright blue.

"You look lovely dear!" Euphemia gushed grabbing Eva's hand, Eva noticed she had a warm aura about her.

"Thank you so much" Eva nodded happily, thankful she didn't look too inapropriate. It was nice conversing with people normally it took away some of the pain Eva had been feeling.

"Where did you disappear to?" James asked quietly as his dad began to ramble on about James as a child. Eva felt her palms become sweaty, oh you know just having a moment with Fred Weasley.

"Trying to find my way around your kitchen"

"Are you sure.. if at any time you feel uncomfortable please let me know, okay?"

However Eva could hardly ask the man to murder Fred Weasley, little did she know James would of done so and happily gone to jail for it, for her.

"I'm okay, i'd like to talk to the other kids for a while though if you don't mind me leaving"

"Go ahead!" James said happily, he wanted to chat with Remus and Sirius anyway.

Eva stood up, clutching her drink in one hand. Where could she go? Eva had the option of joining Harry but it seemed George Weasley and Ron was with him and wherever George was, Fred was.

Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger seemed to be conversing, although it mostly just looked as if Ginny was talking the ear off the bookworm and Eva did love to talk a lot.

"Do you mind if I join you both?" Eva asked confidently. Ginny nodded eagerly almost jumping for joy, while Hermione seemed to retract into her shell.

"Enjoying your evening?" Eva asked unaware of what to say.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you invited?" Ginny Weasley asked bluntly, Eva was almost shocked at her honesty and that much was obvious from the visible cringe on Hermione's face.

"Ginny!" Hermione hissed at the younger girl.

"No it's alright, it's only a question and to answer it I really don't know why I was" Eva chuckled at Hermione's face.

"I wasn't being rude.. i'm sorry. I think you're one of the best quidditch players in the school"

"Don't let Oliver Wood hear you say that!" Eva gasped. "Do either of you play?".

"Nope" Hermione stated.

"Chaser.. i'm trying out for the quidditch team!" Ginny told Eva excitedly, in a way Ginny looked up to the older girl.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now