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Eva's eyes were fixated on the photos Narcissa had scattered across the rectangular table. James Potter looked so incredibly young and innocent it was bizarre.

"Are these from a yearbook?" Eva asked.

"Er-yes?" Narcissa replied suspiciously. "I suppose you want to ask the obvious question" Narcissa added, it seemed as though she was trying to change the subject.

Eva nodded.

"She was pregnant, while Evangeline never told me personally. She often missed class and was seen throwing up around different areas of the school"

"Are you certain?" Eva tested.

"Some friends of mine confirmed my suspicions years ago.."

Eva smiled widely.

"Do you think i'm hers?" Eva asked eagerly.

"I'm quite sure you are dear, the resemblance is uncanny. Although accessing her files might be a good idea aswell"

Eva took her opinion into account although everything was beginning to make sense.

"But who was the father?"

"That i'm afraid I can't help you with, I don't know myself" Narcissa spoke quickly and timidly.

"Oh... how is it she died then?" Eva asked to finalize the conclusion. Eva noticed Narcissa's calm expression falter, which was strange and gave her an uneasy feeling.

"A car crash, it was awful" Narcissa's voice grew an octave higher.

"Is everything alright Ms.Malfoy?"

"It's time you went I think-

"But I still have-

"DRACO!" Narcissa called out ignoring the girl. Loud bangs were heard as the blonde boy sprinted down the staircase.

"Yes mother?" He panted.

"See Eva out would you?" She asked sweetly. "Nice chatting with you dear, have a nice Christmas".

She had left the room before Eva had a chance to bid her goodbye. Eva turned to the boy who looked just as confused, something was wrong.

"I have something for you"

Eva's eyebrows widened as she watched Draco pull a package from his suit pocket.

"For me?" She asked, the boy nodded urging her to take it. He pulled the taller girl close and began to whisper in her ear.

"Don't trust her"

"Draco what-

"Have a good birthday Eva, see you back at school!" He grinned seeing himself out.

Eva was internally panicking as she grabbed a handful of floo powder with her free hand, the other clutching the wrapped package. Something wasn't right, especially if the calm,collected Draco Malfoy was worried.

Once again Eva stood in her dingy room, the same confused expression on her face. Too much information had been spilled in the last few hours and honestly Eva wasn't handling it well.

Three letters were laid on top of her stained bed, who the fuck was sending her letters? She thought angrily. Tossing the package aside she picked up the letters.

Dear Eva,

We're thrilled you're coming to our small get together on New years! Harry is glad your coming along! We hope you enjoy your birthday and Christmas.

Our adress is "The Potter Manour, Godric's Hollow" we do hope you'll be able to attend, it starts at seven o' clock.

         The Potters.  Ps,, something small^^

Eva shook the envelope only to hear a clinking inside it, she turned it upside it down revealing a silver ring. In what world was this something small?

"It looks like a fucking engagement ring" Eva whispered ultimately cringing at the Potter's sweet letter.  Eva didn't do sweet...

The ring was a perfect fit and it looked bloody expensive, the other letter was visibly lighter, thank god.

Dear Eva,

I can't stop thinking about you..

"INCENDIO" Eva shouted pointing her wand at the letter she hadn't even read past the cringy first line.

The girl didn't even care that she was underage and using magic. Since when did Fred Weasley become a sweet,sap? The scary thought made her twitch.

Too much emotion had been poured into the last two letters, it was disgusting to say the least. She hoped the last one was a shopping voucher or something..

As she opened it carefully, Eva recognised the handwriting immediately. A shocked breath left her mouth.

We need to talk
Meet me in our 'place'
on the morning of
the 25th,, Jessie

Christmas was Jessie's favourite holiday so if she wanted to speak on the day the holiday was in its prime.. then it was something important..

Tiredness took over the girl and while Eva soundly drifted off she forgot about the package. If she would of opened it maybe she could of stopped it from happening.

But fate was a funny thing..

Author's note,
If the spelling is awful
i'm so sorry, my stupid nails
are getting in the way.
small filler chapter for
you all, mostly just an extension
of the last chapter.

I didn't want you to be
bored out of your wits
reading an extra long
chapter so I split it hope
that's okay!




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