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Eva's knuckles were bruised, a piercing blue colour skimming the tops. Society was messed up it had to be, how is it that Eva had to sit alone in the moonlit room and repent her actions while Adam lay sound asleep?

She didn't know much about anything but Eva knew what was good and what was bad. What she hadn't expected was the silent treatment from both her house mates and Jessie. Eva really couldn't care that Gryffindor was praising her actions.

It may have been the right thing to do.. but look what it cost her. The DADA room was cold, and the darkness seemed to reflect onto Eva, Her mind once again becoming bitter.

As she closed her eyes, she couldn't forget the look Mcgonnagall had given her, sheer disappointment and anger evident on her face.

Now here Eva was about to spend an hour and a half in detention with her DADA teacher, Remus Lupin.

Remus entered the room, he gazed intently at the petite girl. She seemed in battle with herself, so much so she hadn't even noticed him.

Eva wanted to cry, she had that gut feeling. It hurt, she wondered if that was what betrayal felt like.

Remus had previously been told the situation and couldn't personally understand what she was in trouble for. Remus coughed slightly to gain the girl's attention.

Eva lamely raised her head towards the lanky teacher and forced herself to sit up.

"Hello Ms.Smith" Remus greeted kindly, "I do believe this will be our first proper interaction"

Sweetness dripped from his tongue, it was almost sickening. Eva forced a smile as the teacher sat himself down in front of her.

"Don't be too worried, we'll only be grading tests"

"That's fine" Eva responded curtly.

The two silently began to rummage through the pile of tests belonging to the third years. As Eva began to correct Hermione Granger's test, she wasn't surprised when the girl received 100%.

"Smart kid.." Eva mumbled.

"One of my best" Remus said. Eva looked at the teacher, she was wondering why he hadn't roared at her, told her she was toxic, that she was a bad person. He had these eyes, it felt like he could read you like a book.

Silence, more correcting.

"I heard what happened" he stated casually. He of course knew the story but he wanted to hear it from Eva's point of view.

"Yeah, Mcgonnagall wasn't impressed"

"You did attack a student" Remus questioned.

"With all due respect sir, he deserved it and I mean that, he is my bestfriend or he was" Eva looked down sadly. "Blood purity doesn't matter, not to me anyway".

Remus looked at her surprised not because of her views but how she went about showing them.

"Did you think all Slytherin are evil spawn, we don't all want to kill muggleborns you know?" Eva stated plainly. Remus gasped for air as a memory became plain as day.


Remus sat quietly in the library, actively trying to hide from Sirius and James who had been pestering him all day, all he wanted to do was read a little and for once complete his homework in peace!

It seemed as though he wasn't alone, a tall brunette walked briskly into the section he was sat in with a few books in hand. A slytherin it seemed upon closer inspection, it was the girl James and Sirius were quite fond of.

"Is this seat taken?" A feminine voice questioned. Remus glanced at her questioningly.

"If you don't want me to that's alright but know not all Slytherins are evil, we don't want to kill everyone!" She added nervously realising the boy had taken too long to answer.

"No, please sit!" He spoke.

"Okay well great, i'm Evangeline and you're James and Sirius' friend right?"

"Yes, Remus Lupin. A pleasure" he added extending his right arm.


"Sir not to be rude but you've been writing on the same sentence for minutes now" Eva stated slightly amused, Remus snapped out of his trance.

"Sorry about that!" He laughed, Eva smiled slightly. She picked up what seemed to be Harry's test, as Eva corrected through it she realised how good he really was at the subject.

"Harry Potter would make a great auror some day" she said impulsively.

"Just like his father" Remus smiled thinking of Harry.

"James Potter was an auror?" She questioned with her mouth open.

"For a while" Remus stated sadly, he hated how confused she looked, he longed to tell her the truth that she should already know.

"That's really cool actually, he's a good person Harry's lucky to have you all" Eva didn't care if that was inapropriate, it just felt right to say.

It pained Remus to listen to her, as if she wasn't speaking about her own family.

Author's Note:
Thankyou for taking
the time to read this!
This will be the last
chapter before Eva
goes on her Chrismas

So the awaited meeting
between herself and
Narcissa is super close.


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