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Hogwarts had grown on Eva, surprisingly the old man was not a 'loony' and was telling her the truth. Eva was in fact a witch and a very talented one at that. Although at first Eva disregarded magic completely, believing it to be foolish.

The best day of her life was when she was sorted into Slytherin, there she made her permanent family. Eva related so much with its house members ,it was crazy that this world was relatively new to her.

In her first week she had befriended two pure-bloods, Adam and Jessie and since their first year they had been inseperable. Eva was relatively troublesome, she usually wreaked havoc around the school but two obnoxious Gryffindor twins always made it their duty to one up her.

Quidditch had become her passion when she learned all about the flying sport,Mcgonnagall used to claim it was in her blood, yet Eva never really understood her logic. With enough push Eva had become the first female player on the Slytherin team and eventually captain.

By now she was sixteen and knew all about Harry Potter and his perfect family, she knew better. As a girl with nothing, she couldn't help but loath the boy who seemed to have everything handed to him.

Eva had watched the scarred-boy fall into trouble every school term since her third year,when eleven year old Harry Potter was sorted into Gryffindor.

Now she would be going into her fifth year, owls were coming up and it was sure to be stress and sure she still had to live at the orphanage but she was thankful for the new life that had been graced upon her.

She hurriedly packed the rest of her baggage, making sure her wand and her robes were all in her trunk. She re-applied yesterdays eyeliner and paired it with baggy jeans and an oversized t-shirt.

Dumbledore had added her own personal floo network to her room so she could easily come to and from Hogwarts as she pleased. Eva gripped her trunk and headed off to King Cross station.

She checked her watch it was almost eleven, she hurriedly ran through platform 9 3/4 with her trunk in her right arm and her case carrying her custom made quaffle in her left.

Eva received many looks, it was no doubt she was a stunning girl but she definitely liked to pile on the eyeliner. She found their judgement amusing.

She spotted the train and made a run for it, Eva who had the most awful eyesight hardly could see anything, it was astounding she could even catch the quaffle on the pitch. Forgetting the train station was packed with people she bashed into a rather large looking family.

Her case dropped, throwing its inhabitants out of it. Eva cursed under her breath no way would she get her quaffle back, the quaffle went out of control it began to bounce along the station floor, that was until a tall-masculine looking figure caught it.

Eva was actually quite surprised, she sometimes forgot other people were chasers and actually played quidditch, awkwardly she glanced up to be met with Harry Potter himself but also a gorgeous red-head, who seemed to be standing rather close to a handsome man who was gripping her quaffle.

How big was this family she thought? Two other tall men stood with the family, one with extremely long-hair and covered in tattoos which Eva thought was extremely cool, while the other graced with scars.

Oh no Eva thought, this was the infamous Potter clan, extremely rich and as Eva thought awful people. So in Eva's mind there was no need to be nice.

She stared at Harry's dad, not caring enough to recall his name, as if to say hand me back my quaffle. When the man clearly didn't understand her gesture she simply reached out her hand and pointed at her palm rudely.

He quickly complied but Eva noticed he was staring at her, along with his two friends.

"Right" Eva scowled, "care to stare at something or someone else?".

James Potter didn't even look fazed, in fact he was smirking while his wife looked confused, although thirteen year old Harry Potter was the most confused.

"So you play quidditch then?" He asked the brown-haired girl. Eva scowled even further, 'rich people'.

"So what if I do?"

"Chaser i'm assuming, hopefully for Gryffindor?" He asked glancing at his son for confirmation. Eva was on the verge of snapping, why did it matter if she didn't play for Gryffindor.

"Yes i'm chaser but no not for Gryffindor" she growled which caused the long-haired man to laugh.

"Not Gryffindor?" The long-haired man scoffed. "Then who for?".

"Slytherin" Harry and Eva said at the same time. Eva gripped her necklace tightly feeling awkward in front of them. James' eyes seemed to focus on her jewellery, in fact his eyes seemed to widen.

"What did you say your name was?" James asked cautiously.

"I didn't, now fuck off thanks" Eva growled strutting down the station attempting to find her friends.

"Harry who is that?" The four adults asked.

"Well, she's horrible as you can see"

"No, no Harry who is she?" Sirius corrected.

"Fifth year Slytherin, chaser for the team and captain, she plays extremely dirty but it's rumoured she has awful eyesight so i'm not sure how she's even good, she pranks Gryffindor's all the time especially Ron's brothers, Fred and George"

"So she's brilliant" James and Sirius muttered.

"No dad she's a bitch" Harry said angered.

"Harry, language please!" Lily glared at her son

"But you haven't said her name?" Remus enquired.

"Oh , oh right Eva Smith" he muttered.

"Smith?" They all looked confused.

"Oh did I forget to mention she's an orphan?" James' heart dropped, it couldn't be.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now