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Her head was throbbing, maybe that was why Eva Smith had woken up or perhaps it was the light that had started to fill the bland room making it almost impossible to keep her eyes shut.

Whatever the case was confusion began to rack at her brain, Eva shot up only to realise she was in the hospital wing. A place she had come quite accustomed to over the years.

Eva's arms were scattered with maroon bruises, she began to wince at the sudden back pain while leaning forward in the hospital bed. The injuries were clearly damaging this time.

Eva reckoned she could just leave and sleep it off in her dorm. She gritted her teeth and attempted to pull herself out of the covers. Pain began to surge through her battered body causing her eyes to water.

Madam Pomfrey who had clearly heard the girl's distress came sprinting in to Eva's partition. The older woman's eyes began to bulge upon seeing her brutally, beaten up patient crawling her way out of her bed.

"What do you think you're doing child?. You've been unconscious for 48 hours! You're not allowed to leave."

"Do I look like a child to you?" Eva remarked slyly lying back on her pillow from the intense ache in her back. "Poppy come on, we know each other a little better than that. Look you let me go and it'll be our little secret!"

Madam Pomfrey looked horrified at her suggestion. Eva frowned, that was clearly a no then.

"You quidditch players are all the same, you fall off the broom, become unconscious, are covered in lesions and bruises and want to leave as you soon as you wake but you'll be back here again in the next two weeks!"

-I need a pay raise" She began to mumble to herself, Eva couldn't help but giggle childishly at Poppy's insane rambling.

It was only then when Eva began to reflect on what Madam Pomfrey had said. She had been unconscious for two full days? Eva closed her eyes and tried to remember what had happened while drowning Poppy and her pity party out.

Eva's mind was foggy, she could hardly remember a thing and it was frustrating. From what Eva had been told she could only imagine that she had fallen off her broom.

In fact the only thing Eva could picture was a horrified look on James Potter's face as she zoomed past him on her broomstick and that's when Eva became blank.

"Did anyone visit me?" Eva asked hesitantly not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.

"Professor Lupin and Mr.Potter's family stopped by if you must know" Poppy answered her face filled with irritation.

Eva nodded in confusion, her own friends didn't even come to visit her but a kind family that Eva had been taking advantage of did. She felt guilty but they had been friends with her mother right? It was okay to feel a bit reliant on them wasn't it?

Even if she did pretend to despise them...

"I'll leave you to it then. now stay I beg or else!" Poppy warned, Eva told the woman she'd comply with her rules but obviously once the woman wasn't looking she'd do a legger.

Eva wasn't stupid she waited a while before she attempted to leave again, once Eva knew Madam Pomfrey was busy with other patients she began to search the surrounding area for her shoes and proper clothing.

Well more like Eva dragged herself around the place, her body felt so ill and heavy. Somehow Eva managed to get dressed and tie up her shoelaces but not before she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

Her hair was sticking up in multiple places, her under eyes were shadowed and multiple purple bruises were spread out across her face. Eva looked like she had quite literally been dragged through hell and back.

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