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Did Eva have piles of homework? Yes, yes she did. Was she on the verge of receiving another detention? Yes, yes she was. Was she sneaking into the Gryffindor common room at 1am? Yes, yes she was..

Earlier on in the day, Jessie had harrassed Neville Longbottom into giving her the portrait password, which with Jessie's charm and wit was practically simple. She wanted to cheer her bestfriend up.

Eva and Jessie tiptoed down the corridors, luckily not getting caught by any oncoming staff, Eva wished she had an invisibility cloak. A little while later the duo reached the door.

"Right Sherlock Holms what's the password?" Eva smirked evily at her sly bestfriend. In reality the two were a perfect pair, both fully embodying the characteristics of a Slytherin.

"Fortuna Major" Jessie whispered.

"Dirty snakes" the fat lady growled.

"Shove it up your ass" Eva glared at the painting. Once inside they glanced around the common room, it was not the first time they had been inside...

"I'll take the girl's dorms, you take the boys" Jessie told Eva quietly, thankfully no one had been in the common room at the time. Eva nodded and began to climb the stairs.

She tiptoed inside one of the dorms, briefly laughing to herself when she spotted Ron drooling on his face.

"Mobili" she whispered waving her wand around the room and repeating it in the other rooms aswell. Jessie doing the same in the girl's dorms.

The two girls met at the bottom of the stairs and awaited the magic that was about to happen. They returned back to their dorms and slept peacefully.

[meanwhile in the Gryffindor common room]

Ron and Harry had been woken up to a horrible ringing noise, in fact the whole house had awoke at half one in the morning. It sounded like an alarm clock except their was no clock to be found.

The house inhabitants ran around hysterically trying to find the cause of the noise, eventually the boy's in Harry's dorms gave up and angrily sat on their beds. The horrible noise had even caused Hermione Granger to burst into tears.

It lasted around twenty minutes and when everyone deemed it safe, they went back to sleep. Only to be woken up to the same screeching noise at half two and again at half three.

Eva had the most evil thought while charming the rooms, she would leave them sleep for two hours and she knew they'd think it was over so Eva set them again for half five.

While Slytherin house slept soundly in their beds,Gryffindor house slept for around ten minutes.

The following morning the Slytherin trio matched happily down to the great hall for breakfast. Eva watched the Gryffindor's amusedly as they walked into the hall.

They had massive eyebags, she looked to Harry Potter who looked like he was going to faint with exhaustion. Eva smirked and began to talk very loudly in an attempt to get people's attention.

"I wish we had gotten up earlier, Jessie" she exclaimed loudly, "If only we had an alarm clock". When she finished her sentence the gall fell quiet, she could feel the glares.

Mcgonnagall rose from her seat, she had been notified of the situation. "Ah so it was you Smith, come here right now" the old woman shouted.

Eva smirked, "you'll have to catch me Minnie"

Remus watched the girl sprint out of the hall, her personality matched James' so much more than Harry's did. It was strange to him, it was like reliving his hogwarts days.

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