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A small cottage came into view, a thatched roof and what looked to be smoke rising from the chimney hole. Shrubbery growing from the outside walls, Eva moved, it almost felt like she was flying towards the wooden door.

She pounded her fist on the door, three times. Gently the door was being pulled open. A taller, gorgeous brunette woman smiled at her. "Who are you?" Eva called out.

"Your mother silly.."

Eva entered the cosy room, the woman ushering her towards the plush chair near the fire. Eva's figure retreated to the couch and stared at the amber flames, the woman wrapped her long arms around her.


"Mum?" Eva cried into the woman's shoulder.

"Wake up..." she whispered.


"Wake up!"

A jolt of energy had Eva thrown out of her bed and onto the floor. She could hardly breath, it had felt more like a nightmare than a pleasant dream.

She looked at the busted clock on her dresser, 1 o'clock.

"Well happy fucking birthday Eva and rip mum" she groaned throwing on a ripped hoodie, clearly in an extremely shitty mood.

Usually she would of received many gifts, as of recent years Eva usually spent Christmas at Adams or Jessie's house. Eva rolled her eyes, she wasn't a materialistic person anyway.

As pathetic as it sounded she wanted cake and there was no way Eva was going downstairs to face the evil muggles who ran the place and ask. Diagon alley sounded like a good place to eat, maybe she could pawn the ring she received last night to pay for a feast.

Stepping into the crumbly fireplace once again.

"Diagon alley"

It wasn't surprising that the street was bustling with people trying to do their last minute shopping, Eva stood aside for a while entertained by it all.

The first time she had ever been had been around Christmas time with McGonagall. As Eva walked briskly past Ollivanders, she smiled reminiscing on purchasing her first wand.

Dragon heartstring, sturdy, 11 1/4 inches.

She laughed hysterically remembering how many things had exploded while she chose one.

Cake would have to be eaten in the leaky cauldron, although that didn't seem very sanitary. It was just as dirty as the brunette remembered and just as busy.

Trying to find a table through the crowd had been a nightmare. Eventually after ordering a measly slice of cake she found a table near the back. It was cosy enough she thought briefly.

Sitting she busied herself with the issue of the daily prophet placed conveniently on wooden table. As Eva flicked through the newspaper, it was all rubbish as usual that was until.

Are deatheaters on the rise again?

Eva froze staring at the title.

A family of three had darted for a recently free table at the back, it seemed quiet enough bar the person with their head stuck in a newspaper.

The boy sat facing his parents, the back of his head visible from the table behind.

Eva was scared, she knew someway her mother was related to the deatheaters and Eva needed to know how. She lowered the newspaper, a hunchbacked man made his way his over to the table handing her the piece of sponge cake.

"Thanks" she added kindly.

The family of three had been discussing what they wanted to eat when they heard a voice. A voice no one would ever forget, it was that impactful. All three of them turned around and burned holes staring at the girl.

Eva was spooning cake into her mouth while continuing to skim through the daily prophet.

To get her attention, the man coughed. Eva clearly didn't care enough to look. The woman patted his shoulder while she gave it a try.

"Hmm a hmm"

At the sudden noise Eva's orbs changed course flicking up to locate it. Her neutral expression had turned slightly sour upon spotting the Potters, was it too much to ask for one day to herself?

Eva waved awkwardly, receiving a look of disapproval from the youngest Potter. They clearly wanted the girl to join them but Eva refrained from moving.

"Having a good birthday then?" Harry asked iniatiating the conversation for his parents.

"It's fine" Eva replied blandly. "No lap dog today?" She sassed noticing Sirius wasn't around.

"He had a shift at the ministry, they are taking on extra aurors at the moment" James commented pleasently towards the frowning girl. He always became giddy around her.

The conversation was clearly over to Eva, James became sad, how was this the same girl he couldn't get to stop talking in his car? There were two very different sides to Eva Smith.

The family sort of just looked at her, under their gaze they hoped she'd say something.

"Ehm so why are you here on Christmas eve?" Eva asked.

"We always stay in the leaky cauldron the night before and go shopping Christmas eve. Mum likes to spend all of dad's money on presents" Harry sassed ignoring his mother's outrageous looks.

"I see" Eva laughed slightly.

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