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"Harry!" she roared after the frantic boy, pain surging through her frail body as she watched him sprint into the courtyard.

"Buckbeak..." he managed to splutter out as he ran, multiple things falling out of his pockets. Frustrated Eva ran her pale hands through her greasy locks, why was she in so much pain?

She began to retrieve his belongings, a piece of parchment laid on the floor. Grabbing it Eva began to inspect it (Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map).

Padfoot? Prongs? wasn't that what those two mongrels called themselves. Heavy thuds caught her attention, Eva felt dazed as if she'd been asleep for years.

"We need to go now!"



"You're coming to the pitch with me, right?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Jessie questioned tying her shoelaces, her friend seemed so panicky she began to question if Eva was on drugs.

"Nerves..." Eva mumbled quietly, throwing her own quidditch jearsey over her head. "Is Adam coming?".

"I haven't seen him since dinner yesterday Ave" she responded with a worried frown."You know how he is, he'll turn up spontaneously I'm sure of it".

Eva smiled in appreciation and tried to steady her breathing. She wished she didn't get so stressed over matches but to her it was life or death but Eva had a horrible feeling about today, it was almost sickly.

There were so many things Eva found herself thinking about. (her confusing feelings towards one of the Weasley twins, why Adam was acting the way he was and potentially seeing the Potter clan on the pitch).

Subconsciously Eva found herself trying to prove herself to them and she couldn't help but feel hurt after James' outburst at his home which he still hadn't apologised for but at the same time Eva couldn't comprehend why she was trying to weasel herself into their family.

It was pathetic...

"Ready?" Jessie questioned wrapping an arm around her best friend's shoulder. Eva nodded hesitantly bringing Jessie into a hug.

"Woah is Eva Smith engaging in physical contact, never thought I'd see the day!"

"Shutup..." Eva mouthed into Jessie's shoulder.

"You'll do great as usual. Stop the moping!"

The crowd was bigger than usual, they chanted her name but they didn't want to see Eva for who she was. They didn't want to see her play, they wanted to watch her crumble under the pressure and make a scene.

A tantrum, purely for their entertainment...

Eva wouldn't give into her frustration, so when she was to shake hands with Oliver Wood once again, Eva grinned widely and confidently like the icon she was and by god did it shock the Gryffindor team.

"Need I remind you that this will be a clean game. No repeats of last season I beg!" Madam Hooch directed her speech at the Slytherin captain who simply shrugged in innocence.


He had new-found determination in himself, James felt swelled with pride as his daughter grinned widely on the pitch. In these moments Eva reminded him of himself as a young boy.

Both of his children looked remotely like the man but James saw himself in Eva, her outspoken personality, her cocky array of emotions and her determination for the game.

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