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Adam's hands were frantically shaking, he was clutching yet another white envelope. It had been the fourth letter sent to him that week. For Eva's sake and to maintain his own mental health he refrained from opening them.

He'd have to read this one, Adam had hesitated for too long..

Peeling away the bonding, he pulled the parchment out. His mother's chicken scratch handwriting was clearly evident on the page.


I understand you haven't been reading these. You've potentially been destroying them, although i'm glad you're getting rid of the evidence, i'd rather you read them first.

I've been told you've made up with Eva Smith, so hopefully the plan is getting through to you after all. Now Adam we've made it very clear, what you have to do.

Fail to suceed and pay the severe price. I have eyes on you everywhere sweetheart so do as told, your father and I are expecting you to pull through...


He sobbed into the letter. Adam thought if he ignored them, he could change his fate. It was obvious Jessie had been doing the same but Jessie was stronger than him, braver than him and certainly more carefree than him.

Adam wanted to tell Eva everything but he knew there would be more consequences. Adam had been giving her the cold shoulder lately, he wanted her so badly to stay away but Eva radiated an energy he absolutely basked in.

He missed the days when the trio had fun.

"Patience child everything will be revealed in due time.." the same sentence replayed in Eva's mind, The condescending bastard had point blank refused to tell her anything about her lineage.

Eva was furious, what had been the point of the meeting? He shared useless information and then continued to show Eva horrific past events in the pensieve. Eva had no idea what the loony bin was playing at but she knew for certain Remus had put his trust in the wrong man.

There was no one around for her to rant to, Adam was off sulking somewhere and Jessie had returned to stalking Oliver Wood from a distance. When Eva thought about who else would listen, Fred Weasley popped into her head.

For some reason thinking about the ginger hurt, the way he no longer smiled at her or played around with her. Eva couldn't understand herself, hadn't she wanted him to leave her alone at the beginning of the year?

Eva obviously felt a bit guilty for dismissing his feelings in front of him but she had never had feelings for anyone. Eva didn't think finding someone attractive meant you liked them and assumed the little flutters in her stomach were natural when he was around.

Eva had hours to kill before quidditch practice and went out to find a certain third year Gryffindor. Eva would never admit it but she had grown quite attached to the scarred boy and he was ultimately a great listener.

Eva walked around the castle aimlessly, she didn't want to knock on the Gryffindor common room door in fear of Fred Weasley answering. Luckily passing the DADA room, Harry was seen scrambling out the door.

"Harry!" Eva shouted running towards the black-haired boy. Once he realised who had called his name, he grinned widely. Harry felt relieved Eva wasn't angry at him, after she seemingly gave his family the cold shoulder at the station.

"How are you?" Eva asked offering to carry some of his books.

"Well i'm fine but I think I should be asking you that question instead" he stated as they fell into step side by side.

"Why's that, Potter?"

"Remus told me you're meeting didn't go so well.."

"Oh he told you did he?.. didn't think anyone knew to be honest" Eva questioned awkwardly. Harry gave her an unimpressed look.

"Everyone knows.. who knew that when you try to attack the headmaster that rumours would spread that fast?" Harry sassed.

"Why must you be so infuriating sometimes?" Eva whined flicking him.

"Woman it's only the truth, so why'd you do it?" He asked casually taking a seat on one of the wooden benches placed in the corridor.

"Did you know our parents were friends Harry?.. seemingly best friends"

"I remember dad mentioning her after the massive blow up in the kitchen" it scared Harry how the lies easily rolled off his tongue.

"Well Dumbledore showed me some things and they weren't very nice per say.."

"What sort of things?" He asked readjusting his glasses.

"Memories of Evangeline and the Marauders, they were bullying Snape in one. God if Snape knew I was her daughter he'd hate me!" Eva exclaimed.

"Dad isn't like that anymore"

"Well I sure hope not, he was so rude to your mum in it. I was desperately trying to make out how they were in love in the memory"

"Don't think they were going out then" Harry quickly said suspiciously. Eva nodded understandingly, respecting his answer.

"I wish she was alive.." Eva whispered. "Then maybe our families would come together on holidays, maybe we would of always of been friends".

"Maybe" Harry replied guiltily, he knew no such thing would of occurred if Evangeline had lived. There was a possibility he might not of even been born.

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