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Adam knew what was needed of him, in fact it was so painstakingly obvious. Adam didn't want to harm Eva but maybe it was better he did so. If he failed the task, she'd ultimately end up dead anyway.

He envied Jessie, while she claimed they were 'in this together' it was quite clear they were not. Jessie's parents weren't as eager for their daughter to join the death eaters just yet.

When Adam observed Eva now, it was in a different light. She was a Potter and he wondered how he never noticed before.

Her eyes were the same dreamy colour that the daily prophet were always reporting on, not to mention her eye-sight was attrocious which seemed to be a genetic thing in the Potter family.

In fact now that Adam thought about it, her and Harry looked quite alike...

Adam was annoyed that he wasn't the one to figure it out being a secret gossip whore and all but felt relief knowing that she might be okay, now that he thought about it, Adam didn't know if Eva knew who she really was.

One thing was certain, if Peter Pettigrew was involved nothing good would come of it.


The team were playing awfully at training, Eva had replicated a match scenario and to say they weren't listening to her was an understatement. The Slytherins were seemingly holding a grudge against her.

Which made no sense to Eva, just because she had stood up for so called 'blood traitors'?. Eva was stressed, no she was more than that. Eva was internally panicking.

It might only have been quidditch but if they lost another match she could wave her dream of playing professionally goodbye. She was sat firmly on her broom observing each player, Warrington and Montague seemed to be doing their job, admittedly not doing great though.

"Try to score Montague!" Eva shouted frustratedly, it was like they weren't even trying. The girl received nasty glares from the two chasers, it was the epitome of disrespect.

Derrick and Bole usually were eager to strike bludgers at oncoming traffic but tonight they were passing the leather ball back and forth as if they were playing a game with each other.

Fifteen minutes into the game and Draco still hadn't caught the snitch, Eva was ready to explode into fits of rage. If they didn't care, she'd make them.

"Right everyone to the ground now!" Eva shouted. The boys sighed, clearly able to tell their captain was displeased with them.

"What was that?. Did you all suddenly forget how to play bloody' quidditch?" It was beginning to rain and Eva didn't fancy roaring at the group of incompetent idiots.

"I think we all played quite well, don't you think lads?" Miles Bletchley boasted walking to the front of the group. Eva seethed with rage as the boys began to hype him up.

Eva felt her anger subside slightly noticing the platinum blonde standing close to her side, at least one person was interested in what she had to say.

"Considering you didn't stop any of the goals Bletchley... I wouldn't run your mouth just yet" Eva said beginning to square up to the taller boy. "If any of you dare play like that again, you're off the team with no hesitation".

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