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The trio strutted into the great hall, Eva was about to initiate phase one of her plan. Student's heads turned at the sight of Eva Smith's new hair. If she was gorgeous before now she looked ethereal, angel-like.

Eva wasn't shy of boy's attention, in fact she received quite alot of it although no one made it past the talking stage with the girl, each boy found her to be 'too intimidating'.

The only proper relationship she had was with Adrian Pucey which lasted an astounding two months. Eva broke up with him the first chance she received, she found him to be really weird.

Fred Weasley sat at the Gryffindor table with his twin brother at his side and his best mate Lee Jordan across from the two. He was boasting about his recent wrong doing.

"Oh trust me lads she'll be back to her usual self before we all know it, just you wait" he smirked cockily. The three spotted Eva with her usual group although she was receiving alot of attention and surprisingly it made Fred feel funny.

He pretended to point to a watch on his wrist, counting down the seconds it would take for Eva to arrive at the Gryffindor table and roar at him, indeed she was making her way over but not for the reason he expected.

Eva ushered her two best mates to sit down without her while she made her way over to the Gryffindor table, she felt slightly uncomfortable from all the stares she was receiving.

"Lads.." Eva acknowledged Fred's trio as she made herself comfortable at the red and gold table.

"Lost your way have you Smith?" Lee Jordan commented amusingly.

"Surprisingly not Jordan.. i've come to say thanks actually" George looked at his twin barely able to keep in his laughter.

"I'm assuming this is your doing Weasley?" Eva asked pointing at her curled hair. Fred smirked triumphantly awaiting the shouting match he so desperately craved.

"Maybe, maybe not" he grinned.

"Well fantastic I absolutely love it" Eva spoke brightly getting up. She smirked on the journey back to her own table.

"What the fuck was she playing it?" Fred whispered to his mates, "I thought she was going to kill me, yet her face was so smiley I thought she was going to die".

"Maybe she fancies you Freddie" George grinned, Fred rolled his eyes at his twin now annoyed his 'foolproof' plan had indeed not worked.

Harry Potter usually just sat and observed people, he wasn't extremely loud, he left that job reserved for Ron. So he did not miss his sister coming over to the Gryffindor table that morning or if he could even call her that yet.

James had been very secretive about the whole thing and Harry had been too shy to question it. He discreetly retrieved a piece of parchment from his bag and got to writing about Eva to his dad.

Not knowing that Remus Lupin at the staff table was doing the exact same action after witnessing all the drama the two fifth year students had caused.

Eva smirked and sat in between Jessie and Adam. She absolutely loved the confused look on Fred Weasley's face.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jessie whisper shouted.

"Oh piss off Ms. Oliver Wood" Eva grinned eating a biteful of Adam's cereal.

"Am I missing something?" Adam asked eagerly wanting to know every detail.

"That my friends is the start of beautiful revenge, he won't expect a thing" she laughed psychotically.

"You are a freak and I absolutely love it" Adam spoke with awe earning laughs from Jessie.

Indeed it had been the strangest day for Fred Weasley, Eva Smith was being too nice to him, way too bloody nice. It had all started in double potions.

Fred had fucked up his potion majorly, he knew it, George knew it and Snape most definitely knew it but what shocked him was the fact that Eva offered to help him.

Eva had actually fixed the whole potion for him, he was so confused by the end of that double he could hardly function at all.

Then her strange demeanor had struck again this time though they had been in muggle studies. Professor Burbage was pairing students up for a project.

Eva requested she get put with Fred. It was safe to say Fred nearly died of a heart attack. He had no idea what was going on and what he deserved to receive this strange treatment.

Thankfully the two had no other classes together that day it gave Eva even more time to figure out what she would do next.

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