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It was around 9 o' clock, the library was only lit with the moonlight, everyone had cleared out of the room around dinner time. Yet Eva Smith laid on the table snoring with half her hair sprawled across her face.

She had missed dinner again, Adam and Jessie always brought food up to her dorm though for her to eat when she decided to come back from the library but never over-stepped knowing it was her business and hers only.

The weather was becoming increasingly cold and Eva's sleeping figure was visibly shivering. She hadn't found much information yet but Eva felt as if she wasn't looking in the right books.

Fred Weasley had been becoming more and more interested in Eva Smith's disappearances, in fact him and his brother had been the only ones to ask Adam and Jessie where she had gone to at night time.

Of course the purebloods didn't give him a straight answer, they were still sort of stuckup on portraying their pureblooded image to the public.

That night in question Fred Weasley had blown up Filch's office. He didn't really know why he had done it, he supposed he had felt like it? Fred often became bored and to conquer that boredom he blew things up.

Of course Seamus Finnigan did that accidently but Fred did it purposefully. That's why he supposed he liked Eva's presence, because she was loud, she was arrogent and overly cocky.

She challenged him and not once was there a dull moment in their aggravated conversations. He never became bored of annoying her, ever.

Filch had been chasing him, threatening the tall red-head as usual but that gave Fred more of an adrenaline rush. It was always risky to take part in pranks alone.

He ran into the library, a place he would never be caught dead in, therefore Filch would never catch him in there.

Fred laughed to himself, picking up a random book and looking at the cover.

"Don't mind me just coming in for a spot of light reading... I do love books" he began to laugh hysterically which was kind of pathetic seeing as there was no one to listen to him.

He wandered the rows of books until he found chairs and tables, he wouldn't of minded a sit down and potentially a nap.

A mop of hair came into view, he watched interested as he heard light snores emitting from the person in question.

He tiptoed towards the dark-haired girl recognising her Slytherin robes, Eva Smith.

He smiled to himself, there she was the girl he subconsciously looked for in classes, in study periods and in the great hall. He didn't have a crush on her though, he merely liked to annoy her. Plus she was attractive on top of that.

He kneeled beside her, her pale face shone in the moonlight. Fred noticed each and every detail of her face, her freckles, her defined cupid's bow and her cut jawline.

He had the sudden urge to play with her hair. He stroked the dark pieces between his fingers, Fred had noticed her absences and almost missed her.

A brilliant idea came into his head.

He quietly took out his wand and smirked. If Eva wasn't gonna cause trouble around the school then he'd make her. He began to charm her hair a pale, pastel purple.

Once she'd find out it was him and Fred definitely was going to make it obvious it was his doing, she'd go back to shouting at him.

It was the perfect plan..

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now