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Eva had surprised herself, chatting with Angelina had been pleasant almost enjoyable. Emphasis on the almost, Eva had been informed that Adam had hinted to a crowd that he was a follower of you know who.

If they believed him, they would think Jessie and Eva also followed him. Eva wasn't a fool, she knew that no good could come from a rumour such as that and Eva was terrified.

She knew she was a shitty person but Eva would never, ever agree with those vile opinions. He almost killed the Potter's for fucks sake and many more innocent souls.

She sprinted down the halls, luckily her headache was fading, Adam was going to get it alright, Eva was preparing her little wake up speech. Thoughts of Fred ran through her mind, Eva would have to deal with that problem later on.

"Toujours Pur" she roared, what a distgusting word. The painting flew open and once again she was met by the dull room.

Eva hardly roared at Adam but this time it was necessary. Everyone seemed to either be in bed or out for a walk, her perfect entrance was in view.

She calmly tiptoed up the stairs, upon reaching Adam's dorm she gave no fucks and threw it open. Eva stomped up to his bed waking up his dorm mates in the process.

"You've come for round two have you?" Adrian Pucey attempted to flirt.

Eva grinned evilly.

"Indeed I have Adrian, i've realised i'm utterly obsessed with you so much so I-

She reached for her wand.

"AGUAMENTI" Water began to spray everywhere, covering Adrian, his bedsheets and most importantly his books.

"You fucking bitch!" He shouted.

"I know I am sweetheart but what are you?" Eva smirked at the boy who she absolutely loathed. "Small penis" she coughed.

Eva turned back to Adam's four poster bed. From all the commotion, the boy seemed to be awake now.

"Up" she stated calmly.

"Eva I was wondering where you had gotten to" Adam yawned moving over so Eva could sit.

"Really, because I heard you were ever so concerned about me last night" she spoke slyly sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Oh Fred Weasley, I knew you'd hear about that eventually" he laughed seemingly unbothered. "He was on you, you looked like a whore Ave I was doing you a favour".

The other boys in the dorm began to whistle and shout, one glare from Eva and the room fell silent.

"A whore what an interesting use of words Adam, really I commend you on your intelligence" she began to raise her voice.

"Why are you getting pissed about this?" He droned boredly.

"We tell people they're going to die now, do we?" Eva's nose flared, Adam's face finally became blank, that was the reaction she was looking for.

" I think your preferred words were 'he will come for your kind', you absolute fool"

Adam's face became tense as if he would strangle Eva if given the chance.

"You know i'm right" Adam whispered.

"This isn't you Adam, you're not like this! Can't you see you're spouting absolute shit" Eva pleaded not liking how vulnerable she was feeling.

"He deserved what he got, he's just a bloodtraitor Eva what do you care?"


"I was just showing him who is superior, his kind is a threat, Eva honestly stop being a brat"

Adam didn't seem phased, he only grasped his cheek in pain. It scared Eva how he thought these words were acceptable. She longed to know where these thoughts came from.

"His kind?- Eva moved closer to the boy, in an attempt to intimidate him. "He's a wizard, like you, like me and have you forgotten he's pure-blooded but of course you mean the muggle-borns don't you?.

Adam nodded angrily.

"You know Adam I could be a fucking half-blood for all we know, get off your high horse before I shove your words so far up your ass"

Eva's fists began to shake from fury.

"You're different, i've been told that he'll favour you, favour us"

"Fuck you and your fucking stupid ass" Eva pushed the boy up against the headboard, hitting him repeatedly until Adrian and a few other boys had to rip her off.

Chaser ➪ Fred Weasley|AU|Where stories live. Discover now