Chapter 9

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Lizzie p.o.v

Half way on the road home we found the herd waiting surprisingly it's like they knew we were coming. Banner not only is strong and brave but smart too as he starts moving the herd when we are behind them.

Alex - with Banner leading us we will be home in no time.

I stay silent with my head looking down to my hands though the reins Alex must have noticed this because suddenly a hand goes ontop of mine i look over to him hes riding closer to me then he was.

Alex - Titan is strong you tought him well you know this.

I know he's trying to help make me feel better but am still gonna miss my boy he cups my face causing me to look at him.

Alex - hey i am here for you. You know that right?

Lizzie - yeah I know sorry am just gonna miss him I did take care of him since he was a pup.

Alex - I know Lizzie and you did a great job look how he is.

Then I notice something around his neck.

Lizzie - you still have that?

He looks to his neck.

Alex - yeah of course I have it with me at all times.

When we were younger we gave each other a halved dog tag necklace with our names engraved on the back I take out mine.

Lizzie - I throught you would have forgotten about me.

Alex - never I told you in that cave that I've been in love with you for a while and I meant it so what do you say to a date?

I've always wanted to be with Alex but then I remember that we have two people that might get in the way Chad and Vanessa.

Lizzie - what about Chad and Vanessa? They might get in the way.

I hear him growl at Chads name suddenly be pulls me off my saddle and into his arms. Lucky Shadow and Blue are walking stand by stand.

Alex - Chad can go fuck a tree for all I care I won't let him take you from me not now or ever. And as for Vanessa she had someone new every day she will forget me so miss Lizzie Jones will you go out on a date with me?

Lizzie - .......

I keep looking to the herd to make sure they are ok then I look back to Alex his starting to get a worried look on his face. If I say no then I will hurt his feelings and maybe lose him again but if I say yes and it goes bad I could still lose him suddenly we hear a voice calling my name. I look around then I see two riders coming over to us Alex holds me close to his chest I think he's forgotton who I am. When the riders get closer I realise who they are.

Summer Elder

Summer Elder

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