Chapter 12

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Lizzie p.o.v

I am a nervous wreck right now I have to tell my family that dad is not only alive but is the leader of the gang that stole our herd. A part of me wished Alex stayed but I knew that he had to report to the sheriff I ready should give him my answer I had throught about it all night I want him and I know there will be people who will try and cause trouble but he's mine am not letting anyone take what's mine. I will tell him my choice when he comes back.

Right now am sitting with my family around the table while Summer, Winter and Gus are checking on the ranch. My eyes land on Jake who's putting on a brave face but anyone can see his upset about something I will talk to him later. But when Shane came down for breakfast he was in the happiest mood I've ever seen him in turns out both him and Winter like each other and are all in to giving a relationship a try which is good news but I don't know how he will react to hearing about dad. Today I am wearing my blue sundress that's goes to my knees I usually don't wear dresses but since I was only doing work around the ranch and it was a hot day I throught why not.

Belinda (mum) - so honey what's going on? You said you needed to tell us something.

Lizzie - I don't know how to say this so am just gonna come out and say it.

I take a breath and say it but way to fast.

Lizzie - dadsaliveandhestheleaderoftheblackhandgang.

They look at me confused but the one person I knew would get it right away was Shane as his eyes go wide.

Austin - did anyone else catch that?

Mum shakes her head.

Belinda (mum) - Lizzie I have no idea what you just said.

Jake - me either can you say it again but slower.

Lizzie - (sigh) ok here's what happened.......

I tell them everything then I say the words that make everyone gasp.

Lizzie - dads is alive and hes the leader of the black hand gang he was the one who gave the order to steal the horses.

Jake - Lizzie dad is dead you couldn't have seen him...

Shane - Jake calm down.

I go to respond but get cut off by other voice.

Alex - she's telling the truth I was there.

We turn to see Alex standing in the doorway no one had heard him come in Jake shots up from his chair.

Jake - no it wasn't dad lizzie he's dead tell her mum.

My eyes land on mum who hasn't said a word and her face is unreadable then puts her head in her hands.

Lizzie - mum are you ok?

She looks over to me with a sad look in her eye. Austin looks to her and takes her hand in his.

Austin - mum is something wrong?

Belinda (mum) - it was your dad that lizzie seen.

Jake - mum what are you talking about I buried dad.

Belinda (mum) - i have something to tell you all Alex please join us and Jake please sit down.

Alex comes and sits beside me and gives me a cheeky wink while Jake sits back in his chair.

Belinda (mum) - first off I want you all to know that me and your father only argeed to this to keep you four safe from harm.

Jake - mum cut the bullshit and tell us what's going on.

Wow Jake he usually never swears at anyone he cares for even mum was shocked at that.

Belinda (mum) - Jake I.....

Jake - spare us all the bullshit and tell us.

Belinda (mum) - (signs) very well you see I lied to you about how me and your father met. We didn't met in the saloon like I told you the truth is (signs) we met when I got kidnapped by The Black Hand gang.

Say what now? We are in shock but we keep quiet to let mum continue.

Belinda (mum) - let me explain it all started when I was 17 and got taken their leader spared my life only if I be their maid. I had clean, cook and take care of their horses anyway that's where I met your father he took care of me and protected me from harm. Over time we fell in love and become a couple but we had to it for the gang so I wouldn't get hurt. Theres a rule in the gang that if any member gets into a relationship the woman has to sleep with all the gang and the guy has to watch. So your father managed to convince the leader to let him take me somewhere not sure what he told him but he agreed and so we left then with some meony your dad had from robbing I brought this ranch. We stayed until Austin was born and your dad had to go back cuz it was his turn to take over. Sheriff Bob found out who he was and wanted to put your father in jail or turn over his gang. So we faked his death but he had to go back to the gang to become the next leader.

Oh my god I can't believe this I feel my hands shake Alex must have seen cuz he takes my hands in his and rubs his thumb over my finger.

Jake - so who in the hell did I bury?

Shane - and who was the leader before dad?

Austin - why didn't you tell us before?

Belinda (mum) - boys please one question at a time. Jake to answer your question you buried someone in the gang who looked like your father, Austin I didn't tell you guys before because we agreed not to tell anyone it broke our heart's saying goodbye but we had no choice.

I can't believe what am hearing then Shane opens his mouth.

Shane - you didn't answer my question mum.

Belinda (mum) - the leader of the gang was your grandfather.

Jake - WHAT!?

Shane - WHAT!?

Austin - WHAT!?

Lizzie - WHAT!?

We say in union and stand up I can't believe it our grandfather was the leader of the gang before dad was I couldn't take it so I ran out the door I hear Alex shouting for me as he comes after me.

Alex - Lizzie wait!!

I don't stop and run all the way to the river I slam myself into a tree then cross my arms as I place them on the tree and my head goes on top of them as my eyes that are filled with tears come out. As I cry into my arms I suddenly feel two big arms going around my waist I look back to see Alex I place my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back as he is holding me close to his chest I inhale a breath. I don't know how to feel about my parents right now I know they had reasons but it still hurts they lied to us all these years. I soon start to calm down while Alex is holding me like this he makes me feel safe and happy I look up to him and he looks down to me.

Lizzie - Alex?

Alex - yeah?

I wrap my hands around the back of his neck pulling him towards me, our lips touch as I start to kiss him I was expecting him to refuse the kiss but he's doesn't and kisses me back. Our lips and bodies fit perfectly like a two puzzle pieces I let out a little moan as I feel the same sparks I did in the cave we go to deepen the kiss when a angry voice fills the air causing us to break.


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