Chapter 35

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Lizzie p.o.v

3 years later.

Its been 3 years since that day and some things have changed while some things have stayed the same. Let's see who should I start with? Oh how about Gus and Ruby?

Well Gus still works with us but he is also working on starting his own farm in which he hasn't made up his mind on what he will raise there yet. Ruby is still apart of my bounty hunting team but she is taking time off from it right now as she is currently pregnant with child number two, yip shocker which is probably why he wants his own land so dad is gonna give them a part of us when their baby is  born. Don't worry I am not forgetting about Caleb who's now 5 and is being a little moody about having a baby sister or brother.

Let's go to the deputies now first off with Blake and Hope well they actually had a little break up after 2 years of being together. They had a fight about Hope working at the saloon which in itself is a stupid idea and Blake didn't want drunk men gawking and trying to grope at his woman, Hope said that he if didn't trust her enough then he shouldn't be with her. So out of anger he broke up with her leaving her heartbroken he regretted that instantly they were both miserable for 6 months before finally getting back together after a swift kick in the ass from Alex to Blake and a slap from Skylar to Hope, and after other 6 months they are doing a lot better Hope's even working but not at the saloon she's working at the store helping Spencer out.

Now for Levi and Dakota believe it or not that those two actually got married which is a fucking miracle in itself and Levi has been faithful to her and stopped flirting with the working girls at the saloon. Dakota has been working with us on the bounty hunting and has become one badass no one in town messes with her now like they even did.

As for Ryder and Belle they got married 6 months into their relationship which shocked everyone. Belle has bounded amazingly with Aurora who's now 8 and turning into quite the little princess they did go though some tough times but that didn't stop Belle from treating Aurora like her own child, and now with their troublesome 2 year old daughter Jasmine let's see what the future holds for them.

Colton and Skylar aren't married yet but are engaged, after healing Skylar started her training and now she's one of the best female deputies that we have in this town as for Colton he's now the sheriff since Bob retired 2 years ago and is doing one hell of a job of it. We are lucky to have such a good team protecting our town.

Now lets go to my family for Austin and Crystal they became teenage sweethearts and I've got a feeling their love story is just beginning.

For Dean and Brittany who with help from us have build a house for themselves near the ranch house so they could have some privacy as a result Brittany had given birth to 1 year old daughter Zoe.

Jake and Summer are still together and happy they are not married yet but I think Jake is getting ready to propose to her any day now and I think Summer might be pregnant since she's been throwing the past couple of mornings for the last 2 weeks either that or she's sick nothing has been confirmed yet. Jake has been working on the ranch and taking care of the herd since he's the oldest our parents gave the land and the ranch to him but we all do what we can to help out.

For Shane and Winter they got married last year and Winter is almost to give birth any day of course she's still works with me but she doesn't do the field work until she's ready so for now she's in change of money keeping. As for Shane he's opened his own medical practice in the land he brought in-between the ranch and town, so both him and Winter moved in just after getting married Shane has been training Winter in the medical field so he can have some help in his practice but he has been looking into getting other doctor in but unfortunately he can't find anyone he can trust just yet.

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