Chapter 31

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Lizzie p.o.v

Oh my goodness here we were thinking we would never see our men again and here there are right in front of us.

Alex - Lizzie!!!

Colton - Skylar!!!

We finally snapped out of whatever we were in I got off the bed and jumped into Alex's arms as we were hugging Colton went over to Skylar.

Alex - fuck I thought I lost you

Lizzie - can't get rid of me that easily.

Alex looks to my hand his eyes widen when he sees it.

Alex - your hand.

Lizzie - it will be ok, now shut up and kiss me I've missed your kisses.

Our lips connects, our tongues dance together a little moan escapes my mouth his hand goes to my lower back pulling me closer to him deepening the kiss unfortunately we get interrupted by the sound of a throat getting cleared turning our heads it came from Skylar who's Colton has in a bridal carry.

Skylar - sorry to interrupt but can we get the fuck out of here before Chad comes back?

I can feel Alex tense up beside me.

Alex - where is he am gonna kill him?

Before we could respond Colton yells.

Colton - Alex watch out!!!

Alex goans in pain suddenly I look to him only to gasp in horror as he has a Machete knife sticking out of his shoulder then he fells to his knees.

Lizzie - Alex!!!

I see that Chad is behind him.

Chad - so it seems we have more uninvited guests to our wedding.

Chad rips out the machete out of his shoulder the kicks Alex.

Lizzie - Chad no please don't hurt him.

Chad reaches for my wrist grabbing it and pulls he to him past Alex who's holding his bloody shoulder.

Chad - time for our wedding no more delays. You better satisfy my needs and do your wifely duties especially if you don't want me to hurt your friends.

Then just as he's about to close the door I see Titan sneaking up ready to attack on my command then an idea comes to mind I am gonna hate myself for this. I place my hand on Chad's chest.

Lizzie - yes I will be a good wife Chad.

The others looks shocked that I would even say that even I've surprised to eve say that Alex who Colton is trying to stop the bleeding on his shoulder looks heartbroken not that I would blame him I hope he clicks I motion behind me with using my eyes he looks the same way and I see the relief in his eyes Skylar is next to them as they watch us Chad has a smug look on his face.

Chad - good girl, see Alex she's mine come on baby let's get married.

He shuts the door but.

Lizzie - wait I want to say something first.

Chad cups my face I swear if he kissed me I will have a bath in bleach for the next year he opens the hatch up

Chad - what's that my love?

"My love"? Ewwww I keep my eyes on him but take a sneak peek over his shoulder to see that Titan is ready. He's down on his belly ready for the commander.

Lizzie - I only have one word to say to you.........

Titan leans back as I take a breath I say the word he's was waiting on.

Lizzie - advance!!

Titan leaps onto Chad causing him to push me into a wall making me hurting my back Titan snaps at Chad's face as Chad is trying to hold him back taking the chance I make my way over to the table. I get to the table grabbing my gun but a whine catches my attention I look to see that Chad has thrown Titan against the wall and he's not moving Chad has grabbed the machete and is making his way over to him so I load my gun using the table for balance I stand up and point my gun at Chad and fire a warning shot.

Lizzie - Chad get the fuck away from my wolf!!!

Chad - here's a better idea you be a good wife and put down the fucking gun or I will cop him up then bend you over that table and fuck you till you can't walk and are pregnant with my baby.

As he talks I aim for his hand which has the machete in it I notice that Titan is waking up as Chad starts to walk towards me I fire the bullet goes into his hand making him scream dropping the machete not wasting any time Titan gets up jumps on Chad pinning him to the ground barring his teeth.

Lizzie - keep him there Titan.

I go over to the door and open it only to see Alex as pale as a ghost I rush to his side.

Lizzie - Alex am here.

Colton - he needs a doctor Lizzie he's lost to much blood as it is.

At that moment we hear footsteps I point my gun to the stairs only to see that its the other deputies, Sheriff Bob, my brothers and my......

Lizzie - dad

They look to Alex, Shane comes over I look to my twin.

Lizzie - he's not gonna die right Shane?

Shane - I can fix him but we have to get back fast.

Ryder and Blake grab and pull Chad to his feet then Dean gives Chad one hell of a punch.

Dean - that's for taking my sister.

Chad - she's mine your all dead!!!! Levi tell them she's mine tell...

This time Jake's the one that hits him this time knocking him out, Levi ties up Chad then with help from Ryder and Blake drag him out, Colton lifts Skylar even tho she wants to walk he's not letting her, Shane manages to stop the bleeding so him and Jake help carry Alex outside after checking Titan over who followed us out.

Once we get outside we see that Chad had did indeed take us from the mansion to a underground living area it felt good to be out again but before leaving my dad puts something up then hands it to me I feel him place it my hand. When I look at what it is I am in shock but then happy it's my engagement ring. So he now knows.

Lizzie - where?

James (dad) - it was in Chad's pocket I am happy you have found your soul mate.

I smile to my father the I turn to Bob as we mouth the horses Shadow isn't here I am gonna ride with Shane.

Lizzie - Sheriff?

He looks to me.

Sheriff Bob - yes Lizzie?

Lizzie - I would like to talk to after we get Alex help theres a few things that have to be said.

Sheriff Bob - very well.

We set off on the ride back to town I just hope Alex holds on until we get there I can't lose him now.

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