Chapter 23

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Alex p.o.v

I fucking hate myself right now when Lizzie said she loved me all I wanted to do was jump off Blue and kiss her lips I've been getting shit from the other deputies since I didn't do anything.even from Levi.

Blake - gezz Alex that's was really shit of you.

Ryder - how could you hurt her like that?

Levi - and here's me thinking that I was a jerk.

Colton - and here's us thinking you loved her and want to marry her, so disappointing.

Alex - would you guys quit it already I know am a cunt for doing that........

Before I could even finish Colton cuts me off I am even getting death glares from the girls.

Colton - you broke her heart Alex again. Do you honestly think she will want to be with you after that?

I stay silent I know he's right she was hurt when I left without saying goodbye or anything I couldn't take if lost her but am hoping that after she hears what we are gonna tell Bob she will forgive me after sometime but I doubt it. The others seem to be getting along with the girls expect from Levi and Dakota I believe she's called once we arrive at the town surprisely the guys want to take them on dates so Blake takes Hope on a date so he heads off to the cafe we have in town, Ryder takes Belle there too, Levi somehow talks Dakota into having one drink with him at the saloon can't wait too see how that will play out I hope she slaps him again. As for Colton and me we head to take chad into the office which was a two man job even tho I could tell he wanted to take Skylar on a date.

Alex - you know I can handle him if you want to spend time with Skylar.

Colton - as much as I want to I don't trust you enough to do this job by yourself.

Damm that's cold Colton. We take Chad off Blue who I've now tied to the hitching post and drag him up three stairs then open the door and walk inside Sheriff Bob looks up to us as we walk in unfortunately he wasn't alone.

Vanessa - baby your back!

Alex - piss off Vanessa am not really in the mood to deal with you right now.

Wait why is she half naked more then usual? Then I notice something I wish I didn't.

Alex - oh my god just when I throught you could sink any lower.

Colton must have seen it too.

Colton - really I throught you were better then this.

Alex - know what I don't care right now let's get this asshole in the cell.

Colton nods to me then we pick up Chad dragging him to the cells once there I open a cell door and shove Chad inside. Even tho I would love to leave him gagged like this I have to untie him I just know he's going to wild me up about Lizzie and asked soon as I take the gag out if his mouth.

Chad - looks like you don't love Lizzie after all.

He's got a smug smirk on his face so I just punch him in his face which felt really good he spits out blood from his mouth this time it's me who's smug after I untie him I close the door and lock it.

Alex - get comfortable your gonna be here for a while.

Chad runs up the the bars and grabs them.

Chad - as soon As my dad hears about this I will be out and Lizzie will be mine when she belongs since you don't want her.

Alex - never said I didn't.

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