Chapter 15

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Lizzie p.o.v

I hear people talking around me then my sadness suddenly got replaced by anger as I grabbed my gun from my holster and point it straight at Ruby who throws her hands up in surrender.

Ruby - lizzie please let me explain first you do anything it's not what you think I swear.

Lizzie - like am gonna believe a whore like you.

What doesn't help is Alex who goes and stands in front of her my eyes widen.

Alex - Lizzie don't shoot.

Lizzie - I don't believe this.

I keep my gun on them as my mum comes in the room with a tray of lemonade and some if her homemade cookies.

Belinda (mum) - Lizzie Jones what in the world are you doing?! Put that gun away there is a child behind you.

I had completely forgot about that little boy, Alex's and Rubys son or so I throught.

Lizzie - yeah I know he's Alex's son.

They stand there is surprise Alex goes to reach for me but I keep my gun on him stopping him.

Ruby - Lizzie he's not Alex's son, he's Gus son look.

Keeping my gun on them I turn my head to see Gus holding the boy on his arms with the child's head resting into his neck. I can feel my gun being taken out my hands as I see my brothers walk in the door behind them in walk Summer and Winter all with confused looks on their faces.

Shane - what's going on?

Belinda (mum) - everyone sit down Ruby has some news for us to hear.

Winter - Lizzie are you ok? You look pale

I don't say anything as I slop down onto the couch beside me I am so ashamed of myself right now I don't know what came over me Alex sits beside me and goes to hold me but I just love away from him the others sit down too. Mum hands us all a glass of lemonade I look over to Ruby she's sitting next to Gus and the child am not sure is the shock of seeing her again with a child or at the fact I throught he was Alex's son.

Jake - so what's this all about?

What Ruby says shocks me even more.

Ruby - well let me start by saying that my son Caleb isn't Alex's but Gus's we slept together after me and Alex broke up I found out I was pregnant after I left but me and Gus kept in contact he would come out to see us.

Shane - so that's where you would go?

Gus - that's right I didn't want my son not knowing who I am or being without my fiancé.

Summer - your engaged?

Gus and Ruby nod.

Shane - I always throught you were gay Gus.

Gus looks at Shane and rasies and eyebrow.

Gus - why?

Shane - well I've never seen you with any woman and when I did ask you if you liked women you always said you were to busy right now to give a woman what she needs.

Gus - that was a cover up cuz of her grandparents.

That's right Ruby was raised by her grandparents since her parents were killed by bandits let's just say that her grandparents were really old fashioned and believed that the head of the family should pick a husband for her. I stay quiet I really don't know what to say right now.

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