Chapter 29

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Lizzie p.o.v

After Levi telling us about all the places Chad might be we decided to split up to search them and if he wasn't at the place you were searching to meet up outside the saloon to check in. For 4 fucking days we have been looking for Chad Ryder and Levi went to Chad's place which was on the outskirts of town, Blake went back to the sheriff's office to tell Bob what we were doing, Alex and Colton went off to the font to check is he went there to get help from his dad of course Alex wanted to stay with me and it's not like I didn't want him with me but we have to find Chad before anyone else gets hurt,

We got a update on Vanessa unfortunately she lost her baby and has decided to leave town to start again somewhere else so she going to live with her parents in the city until she finds a place off her own, she packed up her stuff and left yesterday on a stagecoach as for her horses that she had she quickly sold half of them at an auction as for the other half they went to other ranches around the territory she was determined to get away can't say I blame her tho.

Summer and Winter took her half way before coming back and going to the ranch luckily Chad hasn't been seen near everyone at the ranch is doing good.

Dakota, Hope and Belle are staying together with Aurora to keep her safe just in case, Today me and Skylar are checking out the old mansion that's outside the town by the lake from what Levi said him Chad used to come here for "fun" god knows why but I didn't ask and I didn't want to know and the place gives me the creeps. As we were dismounting I got a shiver down my spine like I was being watched there is a rumour that this place in haunted but no one knows if that's true or not I am not the only one who got shivers  beside me Skylar has too.

Skylar - I don't like this who in they right mind what come here anyway?

Lizzie - who says Chad is in his right mind.

Skylar - good point but will the building be stable for us to go in there?

Lizzie - no one has lived here in years so it will be crumbling so we will need to watch our steps and our backs.

Skylar - Lizzie I hate to admit this but am scared to go in there I've got an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Lizzie - to be honest so do I.

We take our flashlights out if our saddlebags it's not dark yet but it will be in about an hour or two then we head up to the door. There are wooden planks over all the windows as well as the front door so getting in this way will be a problem but it might be a good thing and Chad won't be here.

Skylar - should we check around the back?

Lizzie - yeah better to be safe then sorry.

Something was telling me to get the fuck out of there but we had to check it out going round to the back we were quick to spot movement inside, reaching the back door we draw our guns the foot was open slightly. With Skylar on the other side covering me I slowly opened the door with my gun, the door creaked as it was opening I turned on my flashlight pointing it into the dark room. We slowly stepped into the house using my flashlight I look around the room finding nothing but old furniture and dust, with Skylar behind me I headed to the old staircase only to find that there wasn't much left of it it was unstable so we didn't go near it there's no way anyone could go up them in. Behind the stairs we come across a door which was open shinning our lights inside we found other set of stairs there is a little bit of light down there but not much.

Skylar - basement?

Lizzie - from what I've heard it used to be a old bomb shelter or Storm seller one of the two.

Skylar - Lizzie.

Suddenly Skylar screams causing me to point my flashlight to her I gasp as I see Chad with a knife to her throat there's a thump she must have dropped her gun i immediately aim my gun at him but he presses the knife on her throat.

Chad - drop the gun or she dies.

He's got a crazy look in his eyes so I know he means it.

Lizzie - let her go Chad.

Chad - I give the fucking orders here!!!!! Now drop the fucking gun.

My eyes go to Skylar I can see the fear in her eyes as a single tear runs down her cheek she mouths "don't" I can't let him hurt her so I have to do it.

Lizzie - ok ok

I slowly put my gun on the floor.

Chad - no tricks now, kick it over to me.

I kick it over to him the he shoves Skylar to me I catch her then he bends down quickly grabbing  both guns and pointing them at us before we could even do anything.

Chad - now down the stairs. Both of you.

Lizzie - Chad......

Chad - Now!!!

We slowly start to head down the stairs Chad puts the guns to our backs as we walk down soon we reach the bottom and come to other door geez how many doors are there in this place? but wait this one looks almost new. I have to think of a way to get both me and Skylar out of here or at least try and get a message to Alex but how?

Chad - open it.

Using my free hand I reach for the handle and turn it opening the door, once it's open he pushes the guns into our backs telling us to go in so we walk into a little living area with two other doors one looks metal the other is wood the lightning in here was dim so that's about all we could see.

Chad - wait and turn those flashlights off.

We do as he says then we hear Chad closing and locking the door and  behind us at the corner of my eye I see Skylar gulping suddenly some lights come on fully and after blinking a few times we can see that Chad has some furniture down here along with some boxes of other stuff god knows what's in them tho.

Skylar - you live done here?

Chad - surprised? Even after Levi stopped coming here I always came here to get everything ready.

Lizzie - ready for what?

Chad - for our life down here of course there is enough down here for 5 years unfortunately there's only enough for two.


Lizzie - Chad it's me you want so let Skylar go.

Chad - no chance you think am stupid? I know you want me to let her go so she can go for help but not this time.

Before we could respond something hits me on the back off the head knocking me to the floor before my eyes close I see Skylar on the floor too beside me then darkness take me. So this was his plan to get me down here with him no wonder he always wanted me to come here when we were together but I always said no and now I hope that Alex has figured out that something is wrong and will come here. Could my life with Alex be over before it has even began.

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