Chapter 34

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Lizzie p.o.v

To say I was in shock was an understatement on the way back to home dad explained to me that he and sheriff Bob were going into a partnership  and dad was gonna help him bring in the other gangs that were causing trouble in in exchange that gets to be free and live with his family. However since I couldn't ride Shadow on the way home dad carried me on his horse the way he used too when I was a kid I did protest but he wasn't having none of it good thing Shadow is smart since he followed us all the way home.

As soon as we got home mum was the first to greet us she was so happy to see dad back but at the same time worried that both me and Skylar have food poisoning. I was ordered by mum to go right to bed to rest she even got Jake to go and get me some supplies, Austin went to get Shane not surprising when Shane came Alex was with him despite being hurt himself and even to my surprise my mum has got me a new bed so that we could lie together.

The first couple of days were rough I couldn't keep anything down with the vomiting, having aches and chills as well as the stomach cramps Alex hardly left my side he even rubbed my back as I was throwing up of course everyone else helped out too when they could even Summer and Winter. Of course my twinny (he hates when I call him that hehe) gave me some medicine for the vomiting and for the pain he even checked to make sure Alex was healing but unfortunately due to Alex moving so much Shane had to redo his stitches again and as a result he is bedridden along with me, which he doesn't mind so much. I did say to him to go home but he wasn't having any of it and wanted to stay with me.

I keep thinking about how I could have gotten food poisoning in the first place it could have only been when me and Skylar were in that room Chad only fed us twice in the days he kept us there. He didn't even know how to cook or how to make a simple sandwich I took one bite and throw it away  I am not sure if the bread off but it was horrible both me and Skylar hardly had anything to eat the only thing we could have was the water he have us so looks like Chad poisoned us fucking asshole.

Oh yeah speaking of Chad his trial was over fast and has been sentenced to death by hanging which is taking place in 1 week and this time they have chained him to the wall so he doesn't escape again

A week later

(This will get dark so far warning)

Today is the day for Chad to be hanged and I am going since I've got most of my strength back even to my mum doesn't think its a good idea but its something I have to do, the whole town is gathered for this as we come up to the gallows just outside of town next to the cemetery. What happens in this world depending on what the crime is your punishment can be one of a few things e.g if your crime was something small you will get either fines and\or services but if you get caught more the 3 times then its 90 days jail time. However if you crime was big like say what Chad done then you pay with your life its a hard world we live in.

Myself and Alex are sitting in the cart good thing  Jake and Dean made it comfortable for Alex to travel in so he's not riding yet the only ones who aren't here are mum, dad, Austin and Crystal. Not surprising Chad's dad is here and even tried to get them to hand Chad over to him but they refused and said he was to dangerous to let go. Sheriff Bob is standing on the gallows along with Colton.

Sheriff Bob - Ladies and gentleman today we are here for the execution of Chad Xavier as I am sure everyone is aware of Mr Xavier's crimes so there is no need to go over them. So with that being said its time, bring out Mr Xavier.

Chad is brought out of the tumbleweed wagons  he was in people starting shouting abuse at him and one had even thrown a tomato that smacked him in the face of course he tired to fight back but Ryder and Levi won't making it easy for him as he gets shoved up the 13 stairs then stands on the wood square as the rope goes round his neck as people continue to yell at him his eyes wonder until then land on me. He may be away from me but having him stare me down like that gives me a chilling shiver right down my spine. Knowing I was in love with him make my stomach turn, I get a wave of disgust at the through of all the times we were intimate, the hate I have for him feels like a fire in my soul suddenly I feel a wave of relief over me breaking me out of whatever trance I was in as I look to see Alex looking at me with concerned look on his face and his hand on  mine.

Alex - I am here baby.

I give him a smile then he learns across and kisses my lips. I kiss him back when suddenly there's a voice calling my name causing us to break our kiss.

Chad - LIZZIE tell them you love me, tell them you want my babies, tell them that we are gonna get married, tell them now!!!!

He's delusional sheriff must have asked him if he had any last words all eye are on me as I replay to his last words and Alex holds my hand.

Lizzie - go to hell say hi to the devil for me.

Before he could say anything the sheriff pulled the leaver releasing the floor board underneath him, his neck breaks instantly i am lost for breath as he hangs there. Everyone starts to leave apart from Chads dad so out of respect for him since he was his son after all we leave him to say goodbye to his son.

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