Chapter 33

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Lizzie p.o.v

I couldn't hear anyone or anything calling me as I all but ran out the room, down the stairs and out the door where shadow was I just wrapped my arms around Shadows neck in a hug I missed him I feel him put his head on my back as if to hug me back. After a good few minutes I feel a hand on my shoulder I look to see Alex my throat feels dry as I ask the question I have been dreading to ask for a while now.

Lizzie - Bob's gonna hang my dad as well as Chad isn't he?

Alex - I am not sure baby girl he will have to go to trial first but.

He stops mid sentence he must have known that I was gonna like what he was gonna say and takes me in his arms as I step towards him, I am being careful not to hurt his shoulder as I bury my face in his muscular chest.

Lizzie - I just got my dad back and now I have to lose him all over again.

He gently rubs my back suddenly out of the blue I remember that I still have to talk to the Sheriff it's al long shot but maybe I can get him to change his mind well about my dad anyway. I pull back from Alex who gives me a worried look.

Alex - Lizzie what's wrong?

Lizzie - I know it's a long shot but maybe I can get the Sheriff to change his mind about my dad.

Alex - it will be a long shot I am probably in a shit load of trouble for lieing to him about it too.

Fuck I had forgotten about that I mount Shadow but Alex stops me.

Alex - let me go with you.

I shake my head no it was good of him to offer but for one he's injured and this is something I need to do alone.

Lizzie - no Alex please let me do this it was good of you to offer and all but I need to do this myself and anyway you need to rest.

I wink to him and before he could say anything more I ride off I will probably get a heavy punishment for that later tho. I rode to the sheriff's office after I dismounted Shadow I went inside the only one that was at their desk was Levi i couldn't see if the sheriff's office door was closed. Levi had his head back and looked like he was sleeping that was until I saw the boots poking out underneath his desk , boots I know. I tried to hold in my giggle as I cleared my throat to get his attention.

Lizzie - Ahem!!

Levi's eyes open he looks shocked I was really trying not to say anything yet.

Levi - Oh Lizzie.....I wasn't

Lizzie - obviously, I need to see the sheriff is he in?

He jumps a little bit before answering me I am trying so hard not to laugh but so gonna slag him off for this.

Levi - yeah.....he's in his office.

Lizzie - thanks.

I walk towards the sheriff's office door but I can hear Levi moaning quietly am never gonna let him live this down so just before I reach the corridor that takes me to his door I shout back over my shoulder.

Lizzie - OH AND HI DAKOTA!!!

She calls back.

Dakota - Hey!!!

I finally let out a giggle I finally stopped giggling when i reached the door I raised my hand to knock on the sheriff's door within a few seconds I heard the Sheriff Bobs voice.

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