Chapter 4

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Lizzie p.o.v

So here I am going after horse thevies with my ex best freind this should be fun. We reached the river and crossed to the other side I send Titan to pick up a scent after a few minutes he does and we spot some tracks and follow them. It's soon morning we have been riding all night Shadow is tired as is Blue Alex's horse.

 It's soon morning we have been riding all night Shadow is tired as is Blue Alex's horse

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Alex - lizzie I know we have to catch up to them but the horses are tired they need to rest and so do we.

I hate it when hes right.

Lizzie - i know i just hope we would have caught up to them by now.

I say this as I dismount Shadow and Alex dismounts Blue. There is a little river near us where the horses and Titan can get a drink and a grassy area so they can have something to eat well the horses can for Titan he will need meat I did pack some jerky which he does like but he likes raw meat better. We take off the saddles and set them on the ground I packed some food so I take out an Apple cut it in half and start to eat it Alex has some food with him too so we both eat I eat the other half of my apple into two and give one but to Shadow and the other to Blue.

Alex - you always did have a soft spot for animals.

Alex comes over and pets Blue I just roll my eyes Titan has ran after a rabbit or something to eat.

Alex - Lizzie .....

I put one hand cutting him off.

Lizzie - just dont Alex I don't wanna hear it the sooner we find my families herd the sooner we can go back to our lives. I can go back to my family and you can go back to your little slut of a girlfriend.

Alex - Vanessa isn't my girlfriend lizzie

He mutters not thinking I heard him. After an hour and waiting for Titan who comes back we mount up and follow Titan since he's still got the scent there is a uncomfortable silence between me and Alex i do feel bad for snapping at him earlier i mean we were best friends i look to Titan but he soon stops.

Lizzie - what's wrong boy?

He sniffs around then looks up to a mountain but not any mountain this one is off limits cuz it's so dangerous if you don't know or lose your way.

Alex - ok there is no way we can go up there I've never been up there and either have you.

How the hell does he know that?

Lizzie - but.... (sigh) look you can go back and get help but am going up there I trust Titans nose to lead me either if you don't.

Before he can say anything I walk off following Titan.

Alex - fuck.....lizzie wait up.

The mountain was far away and a deep forest was all the way around it. On the ground we could see the hoofprints of the horses but they are fading fast so we had to hurry. In was getting dark when we reached the outskirts of the forest we have been riding all day so we set up camp for the night. Leaving Alex to make the fire I took the horses saddles off then gave them some food and water then I come back and his finally got the fire going.

Lizzie - I see you got the fire going.

Alex looks up to me and rolls his eyes.

Alex - next time your doing it.

I giggle at that.

Alex - I've missed that little giggle.

I stop giggling and sit down on a log to take out some beef jerky for myself and some for Titan while Alex sits on the log arcoss from me.

Alex - Lizzie we should talk.

I swallow a bit of jerky that I was eating.

Lizzie - Alex we don't have to talk about anything.

Alex - yes we do and you know it We used to be so close.

Lizzie - yeah used too till you left and you didn't even say goodbye so what's the ponit in talking about the past when it doesn't matter anymore. You have your life and I have mine so i throught you wanted to ......nevermind night.

I take out my blanket and put it on the ground then fold it in half and put that half over me Titan comes beside me and lies down.

Alex - you throught I wanted to what lizzie?

Lizzie - you on first watch.

Alex - don't change the subject lizzie.

I turn my head so am not facing him I hear him sighing then he says something I didn't expect.

Alex - i miss how we were i would do anything to have that again.

I tear runs down my cheek. I think to myself "so do I Alex" I slept until 3am then took my watch incase of trouble luckily that night there was none and in the morning we sent off again.

Alex p.o.v

I look up to the night sky I have to tell her the truth about everything from what Chad is up too and what he done when they were together before, I have to tell her the reason why i left, and about Vanessa and how she was never my girlfriend I was only sleeping with her I don't have any feelings for her not like I do for Lizzie. I can't let her go back with Chad and am not gonna lose her again not a chance I will tell her even if it kills me inside.

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