Chapter 20

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Lizzie p.o.v

I've been looking for my dad for about 30 minutes now but all I can find are the gang members I would have asked if they have seen him but they were too busy fucking. Suddenly I hear yelling and I know who it is my dad so I follow the sound till I come to other door then I hear Chad's voice so I decide to listen in on their conversation.

James (dad) - so let me see if I have all the facts right, first you give my son order's to kidnap my daughter his little sister and then you dare to raise your fucking hand and hit her!!!!!

Chad - sir I swear I didn't know that she was your daughter I just wanted to have my woman back.

His woman that's a laugh I should have known better than going with him but I was young and what I thought was love but it was only lust.

James (dad) - your woman? What makes you think I even want someone like you with my daughter?

Chad - what's wrong with that I mean am a perfect match for Lizzie

Oh god I think am gonna throw up in what world is he my perfect match there's only one man out there for me and he's not him.

James (dad) - really tell me how many of the girls have you fucked?

Chad - I...I..

James (dad) - boy stop stuttering and answer my fucking question.

Chad - a few.

James (dad) - wrong more like nearly all of them apart from my daughter-in law and her friend's so I will ask you again what makes you think you are good enough for my daughter?

Chad - I love her and unlike you I would never hurt her I am gonna marry her one day so you had better get used to me.

Is he for real? For one I'd rather marry a poisonous snake then him and where does he get off talking to my dad like that I know he's not been around for a while but he's still my father. Screw it am stepping it I open the door and see my father with his hand around Chad's throat.

Lizzie - as long as your talking about me let join in, first off Chad never speak to my father that way ever and second you said you would never hurt me and yet you have cheated on me before, lastly I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on the planet. Now if you don't mind I want like to speak to my dad alone.

Dad has a big smirk on his face like he's proud of me for that as he throws Chad to the floor he lands with the thud then quickly crawls away out the door but not before giving me a glance. I choice to ignore him as I look to my dad who walks around his desk and sits on his chair I talk the opportunity to look around the room my eyes land on his desk and see a small picture of a young woman and man.

Lizzie - is that mum?

He looks to the picture and nods.

James (dad) - yeah that's your mum.

I smile.

Lizzie - oh right I have something to ask you.

James (dad) - sure i think I know what it's about tho.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

Lizzie - really?

James (dad) - about you wanting to go home?

How in the hell did he work that out?

Lizzie - well yeah and also something else.

James (dad) - which is?

I take a breath before saying the words.

Lizzie - I want to take Skylar, Hope, Belle and Dakota with me when I leave. Also I want like it for you, Dean and Brittany to come home with me.

He learns back in his chair.

James (dad) - sweetheart there would be never I want more then to come home to my family and see your brothers and hold you mum in my arms again but unfortunately I can't, as for Dean and Brittany I can't speak for them on this so you would have to ask them about it yourself.

I was going to respond but he cut me off and continued.

James (dad) - as for the four girls you mentioned I know they would like to leave here they deserve better than this life and so I will let them leave as long as they will be safe and happy I know you will do all you can for them.

Lizzie - why can't you come home tho, I want to build a better bond then what we have I want my father back so does my brother's and mum.

He signs then stands and walks over to me when he's close enough he then gently puts his hand on my cheek. But before he could answer the door swings open and in comes a panicked Dean.

James (dad) - Dean what's wrong?

Dean - Chad has left with a good handful of our men apparently they didn't like the way you run things anymore but most have stayed we do have loyal men.

James (dad) - those motherfucking bastards!!!

Dean - and that's not all he's taken Brittany, Skylar, Hope, Belle and Dakota with him i saw them being dragged away.

Lizzie - No !!! We have to help them.

We that we rushed though the tunnels hoping to catch up to Chad before anything happens to the girls. Dad called for the rest of his men to spread out and find Chad and the traitors if any one of them hurt the girls I will make sure it will be the last time they have hands. Chad has left the hideout so my father and his men mount up their horses and pick up their weapons Dean lets me ride with him since I don't have a horse here. We ride though the last tunnels unfortunately by the time we get outside it's pitch black i didn't realise that I was in there all day. But good thing is we have some touches with us and we can see Chad's group lights in the distance so we set off We will catch them soon.

A/N Please leave a vote and a comment on what you think of the story so far Anyway thanks for the love so far.

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