Chapter 18 Part 1

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Alex p.o.v

As soon as I heard that smashing sound I jolted awake the first thing I see is that lizzie isn't beside me, I quickly grab my shirt and gun then rush out of the room I can hear both Jake and Shane yelling, Beauty and Beast were barking outside causing me to dash out only to see a rider riding off with.......Lizzie!!! But she's tied up.

Alex - LIZZIE!!!!!!

Not really caring I go to run after them to get my woman back but Jake and Shane hold me back her mum and the others have woken up too.

Alex - let me go I have to go after her.

Jake - I know but you can't go alone.

Shane - I hate to say it but he's right you can't go alone there's to many.

Alex - ok your right I will need the other deputies to help me but.

Jake - don't worry you need will find her take Beast with you.

Shane - am going too.

Jake - Shane we need you here.....

Shane - she's my twin there are more than enough hands to help around here.

Before Jake could say other word Belinda speaks up.

Belinda - Jake hes right.

Jake signs running his fingers though his hair then nods.

Alex - ok here's what am thinking myself, Shane, the other deputies and Beast will go find lizzie....

Winter - am coming too.

That shocks us but before anyone could say anything Winter continued.

Winter - am not gonna let anyone hurt lizzie and never gonna leave your side Shane, and before you say that it's to dangerous for a girl need I remind you that Lizzie is only one of the best female gunslingers along side myself and Summer.

Alex - alright let's get ready oh and Belinda please take care of my sister.

Belinda - I will don't worry and bring my baby back.

With that being said myself, Shane and Winter all head back to the house to get dressed and get our gear together while Gus and Ruby get our horses and Beast ready. Once we have mounted up there is a banging sound then out of the stables Shadow comes bursting out i guess he's coming I wasn't expecting him to stay here as he follows us all the way to the town there I infrom the Sheriff whats happened and with the other deputies we set off just as dawn hits.

We soon come to a stop on the other side of the river so beast can pick up Lizzies scent sure enough he found it and we set off following him. I swear if anyone of them have hurt her i will put a bullet in ever one of them hang on Lizzie we coming for you. I notice tho that at first we are going the same way me and Lizzie went to get the herd back from the Black hand gang we stopped at the same river as before to rest the horses then we have turned into other direction.

No sure where Beast is leading us before if he gets us to Lizzie I don't care. We start off again this is now our 3 day searching with me at the front with Shadow and just behind Beast, behind me is Colton,Shane and Winter, behind them is Levi, Blake and Ryder how did that rider get so far ahead? . Just when I think I can some peace to think about what we are gonna do Levi rides up beside me I roll my eyes.

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