Chapter 17

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Lizzie p.o.v

(18 + I suck at these parts sorry)

Later that day when I got back I explained to the others what had happened mum was more than happy to have Crystal who think might have a little crush on Austin. Over the next few days we continue to work but keep a look out for any sigh of trouble I feel like am ready to sleep with Alex we have had a few heated make outs with some groping and ladies let me tell you boy is he big but didn't take it any farther.

I asked Alex earlier to come to my room tonight, Winter is in with Shane, Summer is cuddling up to Jake now at night (or so she says), Austin is at the other end of the house along with mum and Crystal so hopefully no one will hear us and Gus, Ruby and Caleb are in the guest house so anyway after having a bath and getting ready am sitting on my bed with my palms are sweaty why am I do nervous? It's not like I've not had sex before.

I take a deep breath as there is a knock on my door so I get up off my bed and walk over to answer it. After other breath I open to the to Alex.

Lizzie - hey come in.

He steps in and looks just nervous as me.

Alex - so what did you want to talk about?

Lizzie - well i wamted to say that...Oh god why is this so hard?

Before I could say anything much Alex asks me a question that shocks me.

Alex - are you gonna break up with me?

Lizzie - what no!!

His face looks so relieved about that but still looked confuesd.

Alex - oh thank god for that I throught that's why you asked me up here.

Lizzie - Alex I don't wanna break up in fact I want to official be yours And am ready Alex.

His eyes go wide in surprise and take a big gulp.

Alex - are you sure you know I don't wanna rush you.

Lizzie - come here.

I take his hand leading him to my bed once there I sit him down and stood in front of him I undid my dress letting it fall to the floor I see Alex bitting his lower lip as he sees what am wearing he places his hands on my hips moving them upwards.

I take his hand leading him to my bed once there I sit him down and stood in front of him I undid my dress letting it fall to the floor I see Alex bitting his lower lip as he sees what am wearing he places his hands on my hips moving them upwards

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Alex - woo so beautiful.

Lizzie - am all yours Alex.

Alex pulls me onto his lap making our lips clash together in a passionate kiss, I let out a soft moan then he lifts me up turns placing me onto the bed his lips leave mine only to take off his shirt, his blue jeans and boots only leaving on his boxers and his hat I gently bite my lower lip as I move so my head is on my pillow as he takes off his clothes then climbs on top of me. He lightly kisses my neck I take off his hat at hang it on the bed post, he gently massages my breasts and then takes off my bra, after licking my nibbles I left out a moan as he kissing down my body to my pants.

I keep my eyes on him as he lightly takes them inbetween his teeth to my surprise he lets out a growl making me let out a giggle.

Alex - as much as I love to see you like this I think it's time to take these off and show me what you have been hiding from me.

Is that weird the way he said that turned me on so much He gently pulls my pants down then after throwing them onto the floor he leans in to place a small light kiss on my clit which makes me gasp.

Alex - all mine.

Lizzie - all yours.

He goes to take off his boxers but I want to do that so I sit up and stop him.

Lizzie - let me.

I gropped his cock as I took them off and threw then to the floor I bite my lip at his size not sure if I can take his size as he's so much bigger than Chad wait why am I thinking about him when I've this hunk of a man in front of me, he's already hard am snapped out of my thoughts by Alex slipping two fingers into me thrusting them with his thumb rubbing against my swollen clit.

His lips connect with mine in other kiss he doesn't stop fingering me tho I moan into his mouth as my pussy starts to soak his fingers. He takes them out replacing them with his hard cock I let out a surpised gasp at his size.

Alex - you ok?

Lizzie - just your huge.

Alex - want me to pull out?

I place my hands on his ass.

Lizzie - don't you dare.

Alex thrusts were soft so I could get used to his size his lips never left mine as they got faster and faster. I wrapped my legs around him as I manage to roll him onto his back he is still inside me as I grind my hips with his hands on them soon enough I could feel my orgasm coming as I throw my head back his hands move to my breasts and massages them I place my hands on his chest riding him harder.

Lizzie - fuck.....mmmmmmmm....Alex your so....ahhhhh.

Alex - you are amazing....ohh....fuck so tight do you have any idea I close I am to filling you?

I dunno if it was the heat of the moment or the lust I didn't expect to say this but the words came out my mouth.

Lizzie - fill me up with  your cum.

Within a few minutes of saying that we had both reached our limits I laided on his chest both of us breathless.

Lizzie - why do I get the feeling you were holding back?

He lets out a chuckle as he rubs my shoulder.

Alex - it was our first time didn't you enjoy it?

Lizzie - I did enjoy ever moment of it.

Alex - you wanted it harder?

Lizzie - maybe.

Theres a smirk on his face making me giggle as we started to have round 2 afterwards I slip into my nightwear as does Alex then we fall asleep in each others arms. In the middle of the night I hear a noise that wakes me I don't want to wake Alex so I quietly sneak out of the bed before leaving the room I take my gun that's on the dresser and put on my robe before opening the door and heading out.

I head downstairs I checking the kitchen first I find its empty, so is the living room but at the corner of my eye I notice a shadow moving I go to light the lamp when am grabbed from the back and a hand covers my mouth. I try to stuggle free but whoever has their hands on me has a tight grip on me i notice ive dropped my gun as am being dragged to the door I manage to knock over a vase causing it to smash over the floor.

I hear the person swear it's a man's voice before I could do anything more a blindfold covers over my eyes, other one comes over my mouth, my hands get tied behind my back am carried until I am quickly place on the back of a horse I can hear my brothers shouting, the dogs barking, hoofs galloping away, before I passed out from the ride I heard Alex calling for me.

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