Chapter 18 Part 2

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Lizzie p.o.v

The next morning the rain has stopped so we set off just after dawn the member of the Black hand gang who I still didn't know his name had tied my hands up again and since there is only one horse we had to ride together. He put me on the staddle first then himself, we only stopped to rest the horse and to eat some beef jerky before setting off again. There is something familiar about him tho like I've met him before but i can't put my finger on it. I wonder if he would tell me who he is probably not but no harm in asking right?

Lizzie - you still haven't told me your name.

??? - you will find out soon enough.

Well that didn't work.

Lizzie - I take it you know mine?

He nods but before I could ask anything esle.

??? - quite now we are almost there.

I look to the front and see a mountain side with an small entrance it looks like an old gold mine shaft or something like that, going in to look steady enough and there were fire lamps to light our way and soon enough I could hear some members cheering. Once we had cleared the tunnel there was a huge open space with other tunnels know who's where there lead tho.

Lizzie - where do those tunnels go?

??? - most are for the members bedrooms, one for the working girls, that's the kitchen if you want to call it that, the bath is that way even tho it's only a hot spring  and the leaders room is down that way.

He points to different directions as we come down a sloop which is too slippery. I can hear moans as we come to a stop at the bottom a teenager comes to hold his horse as he dismounts then helps me down. The teen looks at me with such pity and fear in his eyes.

??? - this way and you stop stareing at her and do you fucking job.

Teen - yes sir.

We walk away as he takes the horse.

Lizzie - that was a bit mean don't you think?

??? - not really it's what all new members have to do when they are that age.

He has a little look in his eye worry? Why would he be worried? We come to a door in which he opens I couldn't believe the sight in front of us. Two women were on the table one was getting pounded hard by the volume of her moans, the other was bend over the table getting fingered with her hands tied behind her back.

Lizzie - how classy.

Some look to us and have creepy smirk on his face I hear one saying "nice" and other said "I wouldn't mind having a piece of that" ewww the only man I want to touch me is Alex oh my Alex where are you? Am snapped out of my throughs by a very familiar voice that makes my blood run ice cold.

Chad - lizzie your finally here my love.

Coming out of a room with a blonde girl is Chad which doesn't surprsie me so this is where he went to do he even know my father is the leader of the gang.

Lizzie - I should have known it was you by the way it smells in here.

I can hear a few other members laughing Chad comes right up to me and back hands me leaving a red mark on my cheek as I fall to the floor.

Chad - do not speak to your master like that!!!

Lizzie - you aren't my master!!!

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