Chapter 11

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Alex p.o.v

Last night was rough I wanted to sneak out of Jake's room, go into Lizzies, sneak into her bed and take her in my arms but I knew I couldn't seem she hasn't given me an answer yet. Speaking of Jake when he came back to the room after saying he was going to talk to Summer he came back miserable I asked him what happened but he just got into his bed and went to sleep i could have swore that I could hear him crying.

This morning I've to go back to town and make my report to the sheriff about what happened I knew Lizzie had to tell her family that her father was not only alive  but was the leader of The Black Hand Gang. So after a sweet breakfast I set off on Blue but not before saying "I will see you later" to them I had to come back anyway since the sheriff will want to talk to Lizzie soon.

I soon arrive at the town I head for the Sheriff's office when I get there I see one of the other dip shit deputies outside. Other then Sheriff Bob there are 5 deputies myself, Colton White, Levi Maverick, Ryder Rogers and last but not least my little brother Blake. Unfortunately for me he wasn't alone he was with that asshole Chad they both look to me as I dismount at tie Blues reins to the hitching post.

Levi - Welcome back Alex.

Alex - cheers Bob in?

Levi - yeah he's waiting a report. Did you have fun with Lizzie?

I roll my eyes and flip him off he laughs while Chad stares draggers at me we always have funs together and most of the time get on well. I go to walk in with Levi but Chad grabs my arm.

Alex - Levi go in I will be in soon.

He nods and heads inside I then shove his hand off my arm

Alex - what do you want?

Chad - throught I told you Lizzie is mine.

Alex - you did but I told you that wasn't gonna happen and I also told you to go suck a dick. Now I have a job to do

I walk past him but stop when he says this.

Chad - Vanessa missed you so while you were gone I took care of her. She was good but not as good as Lizzie when I took her virginity.

I try to keep my angrier down as I take a breath before responding

Alex - you may have been her first but make no mistake I will be her last and only love.

With that I walk inside to see the Sheriff Bob and the others waiting for me so I take my seat and tell them leaving out the fact the Black hands Leader is Lizzies father and me and her made out in a snow storm on the mountain. Man that kiss was the most wonderful I've had in a long time. Oh right can't think about that right now or I will end up getting hard again.

Anyway here's a little bit about the Sheriff and his deputies aka us.

Anyway here's a little bit about the Sheriff and his deputies aka us

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