Chapter 7

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Lizzie p.o.v

As we follow the men we had to hide behind some rocks as we came to a clearing in the cave the mem joined some other at a table I look around only to spot the herd in a small crossed area. I had to get to them but I Alex grabbed me shaking his head then he whispers.

Alex - no yet they will see you.

I know he was right so I waited and we listened to the meeting. The leader comes out and I couldn't believe what I was seeing the leader of the Black Hand Gang is........

Lizzie - Dad?

James Jones (Dad)

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James Jones (Dad)

How can this be? Am so in shock that I nearly come out of my hiding spot but Alex pulls me back behind the rocks. We continue to listen to what they are saying.

"So why did we take those horses sir?"

James - i don't pay you to ask questions I have my reasons.

"But wasn't that your old familes herd?"

He glares at his men.

James - to answer your question boys yes that was my old family and no I don't regret it they mean nothing to me now. I was a fool to fall for my wife not to mention the sons and daughter she has given me.

That son of a bitch how could he say that?!

"Daughter? I didn't know you had one sir."

My dad smiles but I get shivers down my spine.

James - yes I've heard a lot about she has been up to. She's become the best female bounty hunter in the west.

"I heard that she's one beautiful woman, I wouldn't mind having a go if you don't mind me saying sir"

I feel Alex tense up beside me. I take his hand in mine and he pulls me closer to him till I can feel his body press up against mine. I blush a little then I shake my head.

James - i don't mind you saying in fact I would let all of you have a go on her.

They all laugh while my blood is boiling how dare he say that then I get an idea so I look to Alex and whisper.

Lizzie - take Titan and go back to the horses I have an idea.

Alex - no way am not leaving you alone with them.

Lizzie - trust me they won't see me.

Alex - ok but please be careful I don't wanna lose you again.

I wink at him am not that mad at him now and he takes Titan squeaking out the way we came in as I move towards the herd staying quite and behind the rocks as I do so. I reach the pole at the side that's keeping the horses in the corner before lifting it i check to see what my so called father and the gang are doing lucky for me they are still talking. I quietly lift the wooden pole it's heavy but I manage to put it on the ground I squeak in between the horse I know who am looking for the leader of the herd Banner.


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Banner is Shadows brother hes smart, brave, loyal and a bit on the wild side since hes a mustang He sees me and comes over so I give him a gentle pet making sure he doesn't whinnie to loud. I get onto his back i know if he runs the rest will too. I know what am doing since I do this all the time with Shadow learning forward I whisper to Banner.

Lizzie - run banner so us the meaning of haste.

Banner rears up then bolts out of the open around with the other horses behind him i can hear the men yelling as i keep a tight hold on Banners mane as he runs though the tunnels then come out the entrance. We keep galloping Alex joins on Blue with Shadow and Titan running alonng side I look to him and ne looks shocked.

Alex - how did you?

Lizzie - explain later. Know anyway we can hide the horses?

He thinks for a minute.

Alex - yeah but we must be quick.

I nod to him and we ride but suddenly we heard the black hand gang coming up behind us. I look back and they are just coming out the tunnels shit we have to hold them off for a while.

Lizzie - Alex i will have to hold them off you take the herd.

Alex - no way woman am not leaving you besides you and I know that Banner knows this country so he can lead them.

I had forgotten about that I know he's right so once we reach the forest I stop Banner get off his back then go in front of him I look into his eyes his ears flick forward so I know he's listening.

Lizzie - Banner it's up to you now you must lead them home. Lead them boy be the leader you were born to be.

Banner nods then whinnies to the other and they all take off though the woods and just in the nick of time. The black hand gang are here Alex dismounts and we stand behind the trees with our guns out Shadow and Blue are behind us while Titan is beside my leg. I aim my rilfe at the men then fire a shot in which it hits one of them in the head causing him to fall off his horse dead.

Alex - you always were did have great aim.

I smile at him as he takes a shot hitting one in the arm they all nice behind the rocks. More shots are fired from each side until they stop and we hear my "father's" voice.

James - how dare you steal from The Black Hand Gang who the fuck do you think you are?!

Is he for real? Alex shakes his head at me but I've had enough I yell back from behind the tree.

Lizzie - I am taking back what you stole from my family!!!

James - your family? But that would me your face.

This was the most stupidest thing I've ever done as I step out and my "father's" eyes widen.

James - it can't be......Lizzie?

Lizzie - hey dad.

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